,Generation of Long-Distance Entanglement in Spin System

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:imoogi8406
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We propose two schemes to produce long-distance entanglement in a spin chain. The first is based on a controllable interaction system, one starts from an entangled keel and adds weaken interaction spins to the boundary sites step by step, then the entanglement will be extended longer and longer and its value is equal to that of its keel. The second is based on a uniform interaction (J) system with a bulk magnetic field (B) that is absent for the boundary qubits, as long as B/J>5, one can obtain near perfect long distance entanglement. Ultra-low-temperature is needed in both schemes.
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1934年,32岁的沈从文因为母亲病危而从北平返回湘西。阔别18年的家乡已经不是他记忆中美好纯粹的样子。湘西是陶渊明笔下《桃花源记》的灵感发源地,是遗世独立、平静祥和的家园,是中国古人对乌托邦最早的想象。  重回故土的沈从文,却在给妻子张兆和的信中写道:“这里的一切使我感慨之至。一切皆变了,一切皆不同了,真是使我这出门过久的人很难过的事!”  故乡是用来怀念的,故乡是用来美化的,故乡是用来失望的。
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