
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yvonnechan
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1994年10月16日,江泽民总书记到长江三峡建设工地视察前期准备工程。当他看到立在那里的“青年工程”标志牌时,高兴地说:“你们搞‘青年工程’,这很好。青年是祖国的未来,要有志气把三峡工程建设好!” 同年12月14日,举世瞩目的三峡工程正式开工。从此,在15.28平方公里的施工区内,青年突击队员们忘我地奋战,用青春和热血,浇筑着这座跨世纪的丰碑。 1997年11月,三峡工程大江截流在即。在分秒必争的建设工地,记者采访到几个青年突击队员的故事。我想;当朋友们读到这些文字的时候,心灵会有一瞬间的振颤。让我们在为这壮丽的工程祝福的同时,默默地把青年建设者们的身影镌刻在心底吧。 On October 16, 1994, General Secretary Jiang Zemin visited the preparatory works for the construction site of the Three Gorges Project in the Yangtze River for inspection. When he saw the sign of “Youth Project” standing there, he said happily: “You are engaging in” youth engineering. “This is good. Youth are the future of our motherland and we must have the ambition to build a Three Gorges Project. ”December 14 the same year, the Three Gorges Project, which attracted worldwide attention, officially started. Since then, in the construction area of ​​15.28 square kilometers, the youth commandos have been fighting for themselves and using youth and blood to pour out this monument of the past century. November 1997, the Three Gorges Dam closure soon. In every second of construction sites to fight, the reporter interviewed several young commandos story. I think; when my friends read these words, there will be a moment of trembling in my heart. Let us quietly bless our young builders in the heart of this magnificent project.
我是一名来自农村的大学生,看罢明益的信,内心有许多说不出的沉重。昨天的我也曾遇到过许多难耐的失败和挫 I am a college student from rural areas, read Ming Yi’s le
有时,我想人活了一辈子,如果没有些值得怀念的人和事,以供有闲时回忆咀嚼,这如同勤劳一生,而银行里没有一分存款一样,是不是有点遗憾。 26年前,我在北京房山县的一个小山村
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村民李朝友向派出所报 案,不料搅了乡党委书记、派出 所所长等人正在酣战的牌局, 派出所所长为此怒发冲冠,向 报案人大腿连开了4枪。然而, “枪击村民”专案调查组却号召 公
外面的世界太精彩,外面的世界太无奈,平平淡淡的日子里,我们该怎样守望青春的意气?抓住每一滴感悟,好好享用青春吧! Outside the world is too exciting, the outside world