Micromorphological Features of Paleo-Stagnic-Anthrosols at Archaeological Site of Sanxingdui,China

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heigezi123
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The archaeological site of the Sanxingdui may date back as far as 5,000 years ago.The typical profiles of Palaeo-Stagnic-Anthrosols near the ancient site were selected,which aimed to identify diagnostic horizons employing methodology of soil taxonomic classification and to reveal the micromorphological properties of the paleosols.Under long-term anthropogenic mellowing,the discernible differentiation between anthrostagnic epipedon and its subhorizons as well as hydragric horizon and its subhorizons occurred in Paleo-Stagnic-Anthrosols at the archaeological site of the Sanxingdui.The micromorphological properties diversified among each specific diagnostic subhorizon,e.g.,the developed microstructure in cultivated subhorizon within anthrostagnic epipedon,closely arranged particles and considerable micropores beneficial to both of water conservation and filtration in plow subhorizon within anthrostagnic epipedon,and automorphic optical-orientation clays and calcareous corrosion in hydragric horizons.The findings above of micromorphological features related with diagnostic horizons are significant for soil taxonomic classification. The archaeological site of the Sanxingdui may date back as far as 5,000 years ago. The typical profiles of Palaeo-Stagnic-Anthrosols near the ancient site were selected, which aimed to identify diagnostic horizons employing methodology of soil taxonomic classification and reveal the micromorphological properties of the paleosols. Under long-term anthropogenic mellowing, the discernible differentiation between anthrostagnic epipedon and its subhorizons as well as hydragric horizon and its subhorizons occurred in Paleo-Stagnic-Anthrosols at the archaeological site of the Sanxingdui. micromorphological properties diversified among each specific diagnostic subhorizon, eg, the developed microstructure in cultivated subhorizon within anthrostagnic epipedon, closely arranged particles and substantially micropores beneficial to both of water conservation and filtration in plow subhorizon within anthrostagnic epipedon, and automorphic optical-orientation clays and calcareous corrosion in hydragr ic horizons.The findings above of micromorphological features related with diagnostic horizons are significant for soil taxonomic classification.
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1995年春天,笔者在沂南县一位朋友处看到一枚鲁中区工商总局发行的流通券。起初因为对该票认识不足,没有购买。经过了一段时间,逐渐对该票有所了解,才与朋友协商购得此券。  此券为竖式,票幅长163,宽66mm,正面文字、边框及底纹均为墨绿色。边框四角上端分别有两个大写“伍”字,下端分别是两个大写“佰”。上端边框中横书“山东”两个小字。边框内上端横书“鲁中区工商总局”,其下有横线隔开。票幅中间竖写“公