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国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目《湘西深井通风系统优化及降温技术研究》 ,于 2 0 0 1年 2月 2 0日 ,在长沙矿山研究院通过了由湖南省科技厅组织的专家鉴定。国家经贸委黄金管理局副局长艾大成到会并作了重要讲话。该项目由长春黄金研究院和湖南省湘西金矿共同承担。在国家经贸? National “Ninth Five-Year” key scientific and technological project “Xiangxi deep well ventilation system optimization and cooling technology research” on February 20, 2001 in Changsha Institute of Mining adopted by the Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Agency experts identified. Ai Dacheng, deputy director of the Gold Administration of the State Economic and Trade Commission, attended and made an important speech. This project is jointly undertaken by Changchun Gold Research Institute and Hunan Western Hunan Gold Mine. In the national economy and trade?
患者,男,2 7岁.左肘因外伤致功能障碍1 h入院.查体:神志清,智力正常,左肘部明显肿胀,畸形,功能障碍,有骨擦感.X片示左侧肱骨髁间髁上粉碎性骨折.
Background Mutations in the hepatocyte nuclear factor-1A gene cause the type 3 form of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY3). This study was undertaken t
Background Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD) are X-linked recessive, allelic disorders. This study was conducted to look int