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一般认为,清朝和蒙古王公的关系良好且相互依存,清朝皇帝也一直被认为是蒙古藏传佛教的保护者。那么,为什么清末外蒙古喀尔喀四部的王公们联合库伦活佛哲布尊丹巴呼图克图,在辛亥革命爆发之后迅速独立?而同样被称为蒙古王公,内蒙古王公和外蒙古王公有一定区别。从实际来看,内蒙古王公受清朝命运和统治的影响较明显。特别是内蒙古卓索图盟喀喇沁右翼旗贡桑诺尔布郡王,一直被认为是在日本“大陆浪人”川岛浪速、日本陆军一部的支持下,在辛亥革命时期同肃亲王善耆发动了“第一次满蒙独立运动”。本报告将依据最新史料论证在辛亥革命爆发前后,贡桑诺尔布和清朝宗室、肃亲王善耆以及日本人之间的关系。 Generally believed that the Qing Dynasty and Mongolian princes in good relations and interdependence, the Qing emperor has also been considered as the protector of Mongolian Tibetan Buddhism. Why, then, at the end of the Qing dynasty, the princes of the four Khalkha Mongol monasteries united with Coulomb Living Buddha Zebu Zumba, who were rapidly independent after the Revolution of 1911 and were also known as the Mongol princes, princes of Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia the difference. From a practical point of view, Inner Mongolia’s princes were more affected by the fate and rule of the Qing Dynasty. In particular, the King of Khotan Norbu County, the right-wing Khityn Banner in Inner Mongolia, has always been considered to be the leader of the Soviet Union in the revolution of 1911 with the support of a Japanese Army, Shan Qi launched the “First Manchurian Independence Movement.” This report will, based on the latest historical data, demonstrate the relationship between Gongsanuoerbu and the Qing imperial clan, the Emperor Su Shan, and the Japanese before and after the Revolution of 1911.
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