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文山书海,浩若星汉,自古至今,延绵不绝。 书有面目狰狞、枯燥浅薄者,味同嚼蜡,不忍卒读,面世不过数日,便灰飞烟灭,踪迹全无。有格调低下、黑白颠倒者,邪气满盈,祸世害人,世人避之尤恐不及,斩草当须除根。有博大精深、韵味悠远者,如听天籁,如临仙境,或砥心志,或娱性情,一读不忍释手,再读其妙绝伦,可堪终身受用。此类书虽历经世事变迁,却能笑看沧海桑田,润物无声,育人无形。如《红楼梦》,少年时读,满眼只见“红烛昏罗帐”;壮岁再看,耳畔但听“断雁叫西风”;老来复赏,尤如阶下听雨,唯余“一任阶前点滴到天明”了。其他名著亦然,虽品读者学养不同、阅历各异,皆能横看成岭,侧看作峰,远近高低,各不相同,智者可见其山,仁者可乐其水,皆有获得。 俗语有云:萝卜白菜,各有所爱。世有形形色色人,各读千变万化书。可正襟危坐,穷经通史,究天人之际,成一家之言。可庭院闲步,看才子佳人,叹红尘滚滚,任云卷云舒。至于书读别样,思出另类,则更显别样情怀,尽赏别样风景。好书虽有别,但触类可以旁通,与人有所裨益,可谓殊途同归。 书求言而有文,斑斓多姿,以便传之久远。但读书之心尽可澹泊宁静,读书之人尽可素面朝天。非澹泊宁静无以明志致远,非素面朝天无以明晓书魂。天然去雕饰,清水出芙蓉,腹有诗书其气自华,人多智慧其景自? Wenshan Shuhai, Haowo Star Han, since ancient times, stretches without a break. The book has a face to face, dry and shallow, taste the same, can not bear to read, published but a few days, it was ashes, traces no. There is a low style, black and white reversed, evil full of evil, harmful to human beings, the world to avoid the fear of less than, cut grass should be removed. There are profound, long-lasting charm, such as listening to sounds of nature, adventures fairyland, or diathesis, or entertainment temperament, can not bear to read for the first time, read its exquisite, can be lifelong use. Although these books after the changes of the world, but can laugh to see the world, moisten things silent, educating invisible. Such as “Dream of Red Mansions”, read when young, all eyes saw the “red candle stumble Luo account”; strong look again and again, but heard “broken geese called westerly”; “First-order drip to dawn”. Other masterpieces are also true. Although readers have different degrees of learning and experience, they all can be viewed horizontally as mountains and as distant mountains and distant mountains as their wise people can see their mountains. As the saying goes: turnip cabbage, have their own love. The world has all kinds of people, read the ever-changing book. Can sit tight, poor through history, study the occasion of the world, into a family of words. Can be a leisure garden, see wit and woman, sigh Red Billowing, Ren Yunquyun Shu. As for the book to read the other kind, think of alternative, then even more different kind of feelings, enjoy different kind of landscape. Although the book is good, but touch can be bypassed, and people have benefits, can be described as the same thing. The book is written and the text, multicolored, in order to pass on for a long time. However, the heart of reading can sleep quiet, reading people can be supercilious. Non-Mo-mo calm without Ming Zhi Zhi Yuan, non-prime-minded Ming Xiao Shu-soul. Natural to carving, clear water out of hibiscus, abdomen poetry book gas from China, many people wisdom its King from?
许多工作和环境,我们初试的时候,总会感到困难无比,但是只要咬紧牙关坚持下去,不久后,就能应付自如。因为压力与挫折是考验每个人的终生课题,需要每一个人去积极面对。 Man
1988年度档案科学技术进步奖已经档案科学技术进步奖评审委员会评定完毕,并报国家档案局审批,现予公布。 《国家档案局科学技术进步奖试行办法》已在《档案工作》1987年第5
汉光武帝时,一个叫任延的人是个出了名的耿直官员。他在担任睢阳县令时,不管是谁,只要认为不对,都敢顶,即使顶头上司也毫不在乎。汉光武帝提拔他当武威太守,并亲自 Han Gua