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《许文融台湾风物图卷暨近作展》于4月23日在上海美术馆开幕,画展展出了长达320米、高达1.8米的水墨长卷《台湾风物图卷》和其近作《上海黄金城》以及《风韵》系列。许文融是台湾艺术大学教授,北京大学和华中科技大学的客座教授。早年学习西画,对中国的传统文化情有独钟。他游走于中西绘画艺术之间,努力创造出中西合璧的水墨技法,坚持多年实践,创作出许多脍炙人口的精品力作。1992年,时年29岁的许文融开始创作《台湾风物图卷》,他四次游历全岛,将台湾的山水风物尽现毫端,既有宏观上的恢弘气势,又有微观上的神韵生动,四时之景、人物风俗毕现。许文融从《清明上河图》中汲取营养,又以中西融合 Xu Wenrong’s Catalog of Taiwanese Landscape Figures and Works for Nearby Works opened on April 23 at the Shanghai Art Museum. The exhibition displays a collection of 320-meter-high and up to 1.8-meter long volumes of Taiwanese landscapes and volumes, and his recent work, The Golden City in Shanghai And “Charm” series. Xu Wenrong is a professor at Taiwan’s Art University, a visiting professor at Peking University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Learning early Western painting, the Chinese traditional culture fond of. He walked between Chinese and Western painting art, trying hard to create an ink painting technique combining Chinese and Western elements. He persisted in many years of practice and created many popular masterpieces. In 1992, Xu Wenrong, 29, started to create the “Volume of Taiwanese Landscapes”. He traveled all over the island four times and made all the landscapes and landscapes of Taiwan into full play. Both of his magnificence on the macro level and the vivid charm on the micro level , Four o’clock King, the character custom Bi now. Xu Wenrong learned from the “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival,” and integrated Chinese and Western cultures