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Among the great teachers of ancientAthens was one named Protagoras,who was born more than twenty-fourcenturies ago.He wrote books and taughtmany subjects,including the laws ofargument and the right use of language.Itis said that he was the first teacher to acceptmoney for his services,and that he wasonce paid about four hundred pounds forteaching one student.He was a man of greatability;and at one time,when some newlaws were needed,Protagoras was the manchosen to make them.A certain student,Evalthus,heard of thisfamous teacher and asked him to give himlessons.Evalthus did not want to pay forhis lessons at once,and after somediscussion it was finally agreed between Among the great teachers of ancientAthens was one named Protagoras, who was born more than twenty-fourcenturies ago.He wrote books and taughtmany subjects, including the laws ofargument and the right use of language.Itis said that he was the first teacher to acceptmoney for his services, and that he wasonce paid about four hundred pounds forteaching one student. He was a man of great ability; and at one time, when some newlaws were needed, Protagoras was the manchosen to make them. A certain student, Evalthus, heard of thisfamous teacher and asked him to give himlessons. Evalthus did not want to pay forhis lessons at once, and after somediscussion it was finally agreed between
In a city there once lived a woman who kneweverything.Her name was Mrs.Ford.Shewas the wife of Ford,a banker.When any of her friends talked to her aboutanythin
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印度中央邦的一对夫妇决定在有生之年里都穿着颜色相配的衣服,他们也因此成为当地的名人。过去的十四年中,总是旗帜鲜明地穿着同样衣服的巴珊·贾因和安妮塔·贾因是 Rajnat
以“示范—讲授”的现代信息技术与网络的应用模式是基于在Window 8系统下英语双课堂云教学案例的应用,根据该应用模拟的理念依据设置出它的操作结构,同时通过此模式英语网络
向课堂要效率是我们教师一直关注并执着追求的目标,笔者对提高小学数学课堂教学效率作了以下几点的思考:一、提高小学数学课堂教学效率,深入解读教材是基础 Efficiency to t