
来源 :刑法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shulili1987
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我国已将非法侵入网络、提供侵入和非法控制网络的程序与工具的预备行为独立规定为犯罪,《刑法修正案(九)》将设立网站、发送信息等普通网络预备行为和准备实施、宣扬、煽动、持有等特殊网络恐怖预备行为规定为独立预备犯。中外关于预备犯的处罚原则、立法模式以及体例不尽相同,《刑法》第22条的普遍处罚原则与多数国家的通例相悖,预备犯处罚范围的模糊性招致较多非议。当故意的网络预备行为造成了危害或制造了危险时,采取独立处罚符合网络安全保护和反恐斗争等现实需要,并且获得了域外、国际共识,刑法提前介入网络预备行为可以促成刑事处罚的前置化与强化积极的一般预防效果。分则的独立预备犯还将处于“增量”态势,应从多方面破解第22条的立法完善问题。 China has independently stipulated as an offense an unlawful invasion of the Internet and the preparation of procedures and tools for intruding and illegally controlling the Internet. The Amendment to the Criminal Law (IX) will set up and prepare for the implementation of the general network such as websites and sending of information, Incitement, holding and other special online terrorist acts of preparedness for independent preparatory. The principle of punishment and the model of legislation and the system of preparation for prisoners both at home and abroad are different. The principle of universal punishment of Article 22 of the Criminal Law runs counter to the general principle of most countries, and the ambiguity of the scope of the preparatory crime has attracted more criticisms. When deliberate acts of cyber-preparatory act endanger or create danger, the independent punishment accords with the actual needs of cybersecurity protection and anti-terrorist struggle, and obtains the extraterritorial and international consensus. The early intervention of criminal law in online preparatory behavior can lead to pre-criminal penalties Improve and strengthen positive general prevention. The independent preparatory offender will also be in an “incremental” situation, and the issue of perfecting the article 22 legislation should be solved in many aspects.
Whether inadvertently or by design,the Western media is currently misinterpreting the dotted line (or "the nine-dotted line") on the Chinese map as indicating C
33岁的王春虹是合肥市一名下岗女工,她租了个店铺以缝补衣物为生,凭借诚信与金子般的心灵,她与一位老总邂逅,在老总三次别出心裁的考核后,曾经在企业做过出纳的她出任三星级大酒店年薪6万的财务总监    路人衣服缺扣,她“追补”     王春虹1993年中专毕业后在合肥一家街道服装厂当工人,后因表现突出当上了出纳,丈夫是一所学校的体育老师,夫妻俩的小日子过得和和美美2001年3月,企业倒闭,王春虹失业了
穷则思变:保姆卧底东家窥视老工程师百万家产    2002年5月,李振阳和未婚妻陈香霞来到辽阳市寻求发展由于运气不好,经商屡屡失败眼看着没了本钱,陈香霞便通过广告找到了一份保姆的差事,李振阳则去了一家小酒店打工  由于陈香霞做过服务员,对东家的日常生活打理得有条不紊,深得东家赏识78岁的老工程师刘部和老伴都非常满意他说:“我和老伴没有儿女,我没啥事干,就是呆在家里炒股家里很少有人来串门,你就在我们