Effect of mold rotation on inclusion distribution in bearing steel during electroslag remelting proc

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honeykaka
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To remove the inclusions in the ingots by conventional electroslag remelting(ESR), the bearing steel was prepared using ESR process but with mold rotation in this study. Experimental results show a reduction in amount of large inclusions when the mold rotation rate is 6 r·min-1, and the inclusions are uniformly distributed in the ESR ingot. As comparison with the electroslag ingots of conventional ESR(stationary mold), the portion of the Al2O3 inclusions smaller than 1 μm in size increase from 38% to 41.4%, whereas that of the SiO2 inclusions increases from 48% to 74% in the ingots when mold rotation is applied. This phenomenon is caused by the decrease in metal droplet size, resulting in large contact area between the slag pool and metal droplets in ESR process with mold rotation. Moreover, the metal droplets have relatively long movement routes, leading to long metal contact time between the slag pool and metal droplets when a relative motion between the consumable electrodes and mold is present. However, when the mold rotation rate is increased to 45 r·min-1, inclusion removing effect decreases. An excessive rotation rate causes wild motion in the slag pool, which drives the molten metal droplets to move violently, and as a result, the slag is entrapped into the metal pool, decreasing the ability of slag absorbing inclusions. To remove the inclusions in the ingots by conventional electroslag remelting (ESR), the bearing steel was prepared using ESR process but with mold rotation in this study. Experimental results show a reduction in amount of large inclusions when the mold rotation rate is 6 r · min-1, and the inclusions are uniformly distributed in the ESR ingot. As compared with the electroslag ingots of conventional ESR (stationary mold), the portion of the Al2O3 inclusions smaller than 1 μm in size increase from 38% to 41.4%, while that of the SiO2 inclusions increases from 48% to 74% in the ingots when mold rotation is applied. This phenomenon is caused by the decrease in metal droplet size, resulting in large contact area between the slag pool and the metal droplets in ESR process with mold rotation. Moreover, the metal droplets have relatively long movement routes, leading to long metal contact time between the slag pool and metal droplets when a relative motion between the consumable electrodes and m However, when the mold rotation rate is increased to 45 r · min-1, inclusion removing effect decreases. An excessive rotation rate causes wild motion in the slag pool, which drives the molten metal droplets to move violently, and as a result, the slag is entrapped into the metal pool, decreasing the ability of slag absorbed inclusions.
摘 要:随着我国新型城镇化进程的加快,我国的建筑行业快速发展,可以说迎来了新的发展机遇期。而与此同时,人们对建筑工程的质量也越来越关注。所以,做好建筑工程技术的管理工作就显得尤为重要。在本文中,笔者结合自身的理论知识和工作实际,从建筑工程技术管理的标准和策略等方面分析了如何加强建筑工程技术管理。  关键词:建筑工程;技术管理;工程管理  建筑工程管理工作是一项纷繁复杂、头绪众多而漫长的工作,而工程
向日葵菌核病的初侵染来源为病残体上的菌丝、菌核及向日葵种表、种内的菌丝、菌核 ,向日葵菌核病的传播方式为土壤传播、种子传播及空气传播 ,远距离传播主要靠带菌种子。该
摘 要:市场经济在不断发展的同时也促进了市政工程建设的投资和建设管理体制的不断改革和发展。随着社会的发展,市政工程的项目管理有显得更为重要。市政工程管理对于市政工程的质量有着决定性的作用。因此只有在实践过程中不断提高管理水平,才能使得市政工程管理适应社会的发展需要和市场变化的需要。本文对于如何提高市政工程管理水平提出了一些个人意见,同时也论述了市政工程建设安全管理与质量管理方面之中所存在的问题,并