Modeling of aggregation kernels for fluidized beds using discrete particle model simulations

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoerwj
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Aggregation is one of the many important processes in chemical and process engineering. Several researchers have attempted to understand this complex process in fluidized beds using the macro-model0f population balance equations(PBEs). The aggregation kernel is an effective parameter in PBEs, and js defined as the product of the aggregation efficiency and collision frequency functions. Attempts to derive this kernel have taken different approaches, including theoretical, experimental, and empirical techniques. The present paper calculates the aggregation kernel using micro-model computer simulations, i.e., a discrete particle model. We simulate the micro-model without aggregation for various initial conditions, and observe that the collision frequency function is in good agreement with the shear kernel.We then simulate the micro-model with aggregation and calculate the aggregation efficiency rate. Several researchers have attempted to understand this complex process in fluidized beds using the macro-model population population balance equations (PBEs). The aggregation kernel is an effective parameter in PBEs, and js defined as the product of the aggregation efficiency and collision frequency functions. Attempts to derive this kernel have taken different approaches, including theoretical, experimental, and empirical techniques. The present paper calculates the aggregation kernel using micro-model computer simulations, ie, a discrete We simulate the micro-model without aggregation for various initial conditions, and observe that the collision frequency function is in good agreement with the shear kernel. We then simulate the micro-model with aggregation and calculate the aggregation efficiency rate.
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