来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsanzong
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According to the electron microscopic observation the wheat yellow curl-leaf disease wascaused by a rickettsia-like organism (RLO). The morphology and structure of the pathogenand its distribution within the host plant were of typical characteristics of the RLO. RLO_Swere seen in the phloem and xylem of the host plant. In xylem elements RLO particleswere closely related to electron-dense materials spreading in them. Some channels wereformed in the cell walls of protoxylem, and sometimes in the cell walls of mature xylem ele-ments which were eroded. RLOs entered adjacent cells and intercellular spaces via thesechannels. A large number of RLOs were seen in sieve elements and they could get intoadjacent sieve elements via sieve pores. The places of intercellular movement of RLOs weremostly in the plasmodesmata-dense areas or pit fields where the primary cell walls amongplasmodesmata were dissolved to form some channels by the invasion of RLOs. And theforming of less intercellular channels did not relate to plasmodesmata and pit fields. Basedon these results the mechanism of systematical infection of host plant caused by the RLO isdiscussed in this paper. According to the electron microscopic observation the wheat yellow curl-leaf disease wascaused by a rickettsia-like organism (RLO). The morphology and structure of the pathogen and its distribution within the host plant were of typical characteristics of the RLO. RLO_Swere seen in the phloem and xylem of the host plant. In xylem elements RLO particleswere closely related to electron-dense materials spreading in them. Some channels wereformed in the cell walls of protoxylem, and and in the cell walls of mature xylem ele-ments which were eroded. A large number of RLOs were seen in sieve elements and they could get intoadjacent sieve elements via sieve pores. The places of intercellular movement of RLOs were mostly in the plasmodesmata-dense areas or pit fields where the primary cell walls amongplasmodesmata were dissolved to form some channels by the invasion of RLOs. And theforming of less intercellular channels did not relate to plasmodesmata and pit fields. Basedon these results the mechanism of systematical infection of host plant caused by the RLO isdiscussed in this paper.
鼓足干劲,力爭上游向矿物室、沉积室及其他各室挑战中国科学院地質研究所岩矿室全体同志 1958年3月3日院領导提出的“鼓起干劲,多快好省,一心一德,又紅又专,重視劳动,服从組
随着新课改的火热进行,如何提高初中思想品德课堂教学的有效性成为思想品德教师深刻思考的问题。就如何实现课堂教学的有效性进行了探讨。 With the fiery progress of the
这本书共分三部分。第一部分所述者为基本的原理。第二部分为社会的行为底发展的研究。第三部分则叙述在我们的社会中社会的交互作用底普遍原则。 每一部分又分为若干章。第
1) Sources and adjustments of (?)erlals.2) The distribution of cities in relation to the nearness to ocean.3) The distribution of cities in relation to relief.4
中國科學院的成立,標示着中國科學工作邁進新的歷史階段的開始。 過去我國科學研究機構在學術研究上雖也有過若干個別的貢獻,但以封建主義和帝國主義在思想上的束縛,種種物