Proteomic analysis of mitochondria reveals a metabolic switch from fatty acid oxidation to glycolysi

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovezhizunbaolove
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This work characterizes the mitochondrial proteomic profile in the failing heart and elucidates the molecular basis of mitochondria in heart failure. Heart failure was induced in rats by myocardial infarction, and mitochondria were isolated from hearts by differential centrifugation. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry, a system biology approach was employed to investigate differences in mitochondrial proteins between normal and failing hearts. Mass spectrometry identified 27 proteins differentially expressed that involved in energy metabolism. Among those, the up-regulated proteins included tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex subunits while the down-regulated proteins were involved in fatty acid oxidation and the OXPHOS complex. These results suggest a substantial metabolic switch from free fatty acid oxidation to glycolysis in heart failure and provide molecular evidence for alterations in the structural and functional parameters of mitochondria that may contribute to cardiac dysfunction during ischemic injury. This work characterizes the mitochondrial proteomic profile in the failing heart and elucidates the molecular basis of mitochondria in heart failure. Heart failure was induced in rats by myocardial infarction, and mitochondria were isolated from hearts by differential centrifugation. Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and matrix -assisted laser desorption / ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry, a system biology approach was employed to investigate differences in mitochondrial proteins between normal and failing hearts. Mass spectrometry identified 27 proteins differentially expressed that involved in energy metabolism. Among those, the up- regulated proteins included tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex subunits while the down-regulated proteins were involved in fatty acid oxidation and the OXPHOS complex. These results suggest a substantial metabolic switch from free fatty acid oxidation to glycolysis in heart failure and provide molecular evid ence for alterations in the structural and functional parameters of mitochondria that may contribute to cardiac dysfunction during ischemic injury.
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