,Separability of Bipartite Superoperator Based on Witness

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glei66
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Based on the isomorphic relation between operator space L(H) and Hilbert space H 2, Cirac et al. mapped the global superoperator to a mixed state E which has the same separability of the initial superoperator. Zhang et al. [Phys. Rev. A 76 (2007) 012334] provided a calculable lower bound for both the linear and nonlinear witness. We use this bound to detect the entanglement of E to judge the separability of the initial superoperator. With the help of local orthogonal observables, we directly describe the separable condition of superoperator by its each operator. Lastly, using the lower bound of the nonlinear witness, we provide a calculable entanglement factor of bipartite superoperator.
社会心理学家认为,人们的心灵深处,都渴望他人的赞美。对于学生来说,来自老师的一个夸赞,一个鼓励,甚至一个眼神,很有可能会唤醒其内心的积极因子,并获得生长力量。我们班教数学的胡老师,就经历着这样的理念和实践。  男生吴波,聪明、调皮又活跃,但学习不用功,尤其是数学学科,成绩一直不理想。然而这次测验,吴波的答案竟然和参考答案高度相似,显然考试时抄袭了练习册后面的答案,舞弊了!午休时,胡老师拿起试卷往教
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