Synthesis,Crystal Structure,and Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of3,5-Dihydroxy-N'-(4-

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanjiawen841002
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A new compound,3,5-dihydroxy-N’-(4-nitrobenzylidene)benzohydrazide(Ⅰ),has been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.The title compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system,space group P2_1/c with a=9.632(12),b=12.256(15),c=11.425(14)A,β=105.306(11)°,Z=4,V=1301(3)A~3,D_c=1.538 g/cm~3,F(000)=704,μ=0.276and S=1.011.The final R=0.0444 and wR=0.1186 for 3808 observed reflections with I>2σ(I).We used methods such as ABTS,DPPH assays and in vitro hydroxyl radical scavenging experiment to assess the in vitro antioxidant activity of the new compound,and found that its IC_(50)value was48.59μg/mL for scavenging ABTS radicals,48.04μg/mL for scavenging DPPH radicals,and 1.03mg/mL for scavenging hydroxyl radicals,indicating that it had a good in vitro antioxidant activity.We also test the antibacterial activities of this compound against three bacteria,and it showed considerable antibacterial activity against S.aureus.The MIC values of S.aureus,K.pneumoniae and P.aeruginosa are respectively 0.156,0.625 and 1.25 mg/mL. A new compound, 3,5-dihydroxy-N’- (4-nitrobenzylidene) benzohydrazide (I), has been synthesized and characterized by single- crystal X-ray diffraction. The title compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P2_1 / c = 11.425 (14) A, β = 105.306 (11) °, Z = 4, V = 1301 (3) A~3, D_c = 1.538 g / cm ~ 3, F (000) = 704, μ = 0.276 and S = 1.011.The final R = 0.0444 and wR = 0.1186 for 3808 observed reflections with I> 2σ (I) .We used methods such as ABTS, DPPH assays and in vitro hydroxyl radical scavenging experiment to assess the in vitro antioxidant activity of the new compound, and found that its IC 50 value was 48.59 μg / mL for scavenging ABTS radicals, 48.04 μg / mL for scavenging DPPH radicals and 1.03 mg / mL for scavenging hydroxyl radicals, indicating that it had a good in vitro antioxidant activity. We also test the antibacterial activities of this compound against three bacteria, and it showed considerable antibacterial activity against S. aureus. MIC values ​​of S. aureus, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa are respectively 0.156, 0.625 and 1.25 mg / mL.
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