Genomic analysis of a pure culture of magnetotactic bacterium Terasakiella sp.SH-1

来源 :海洋湖沼学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zskarl
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Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) display magnetotaxis ability because of biomineralization of intracellular nanometer-sized,membrane-bound organelles termed magnetosomes.Despite having been discovered more than halfa century,only a few representatives of MTB have been isolated and cultured in the laboratory.In this study,we report the genomic characterization of a novel marine magnetotactic spirillum strain SH-1 belonging to the genus Terasakiella that was recently isolated.A gene encoding haloalkane dehalogenase,which is involved in the degradation of chlorocyclohexane,chlorobenzene,chloroalkane,and chloroalkene,was identified.SH-1 genome contained cysCHI and soxBAZYX genes,thus potentially capable of assimilatory sulfate reduction to H2S and using thiosulfate as electron donors and oxidizing it to sulfate.Genome of SH-1 also contained genes encoding periplasmic dissimilatory nitrate reductases (napAB),assimilatory nitrate reductase (nasA) and assimilatory nitrite reductases (nasB),suggesting that it is capable of gaining energy by converting nitrate to ammonia.The pure culture of Terasakiella sp.SH-1 together with its genomic results offers new opportunities to examine biology,physiology,and biomineralization mechanisms of MTB.
土壤反硝化过程是指土壤中的硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐等含氮物质在反硝化微生物的作用下还原成氮气(N2)、一氧化氮(NO)、氧化亚氮(N2O)等气体的过程,是氮循环中重要的过程之一.反硝化的中间产物N2O是一种重要的温室气体,其中从土壤中释放的量占地球总排放量的70%.反硝化作用主要由硝酸盐还原酶(nitrate reductase,Nar)、亚硝酸还原酶(nitrite reductase,Nir)、一氧化氮还原酶(nitric oxide reductase,Nor)和氧化亚氮还原酶(nitrous oxide
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