Evaluation Indicators and Extraction Method for Pitting Corrosion of Structural Steel

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyk20071999
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A set of evaluation indicators based on corrosion ratio in theory for assessing the extent of pitting corrosion and performance reduction are proposed. In order to quantify the morphology of pitting corrosion and extract the evaluation indicators,the 3D profile data obtained by pitting morphology measurement are imported into a special written program to automatically determine the location of each corrosion pit and distill any desired data pertinent to the pitting morphology. The results show that this method seems to be effective to analyze the corroded surface and characterize the pitting morphology. A set of evaluation indicators based on corrosion ratio in theory for assessing the extent of pitting corrosion and performance reduction are proposed. In order to quantify the morphology of pitting corrosion and extract the evaluation indicators, the 3D profile data obtained by pitting morphology measurement are registered into a special written program to automatically determine the location of each corrosion pit and distill any desired data pertinent to the pitting morphology. The results show that this method seems to be effective to analyze the corroded surface and characterize the pitting morphology.
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