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  Jamsetji Tata built Te Taj Mahal Palace just in time. In the late 19th century, the hotels in Mumbai lef much to be desired. In the late 1890s, Mr. Tata suddenly announced his plans to build a grand hotel that would help restore the image of Mumbai and atract visitors from around the world. One of the original grand hotels of the world, The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai has grown to become an integral part of the city’ s history, and indeed, its heart.


  塔塔先生无与伦比的前瞻性和睿智的头脑向世人证明,他的选择是正确的。1903年雄伟庄严泰姬玛哈宫殿酒店建成开业,成为了当之无愧的地标性建筑,也成为了所有酒店中的“王子”。1905年,著名记者马修斯(G. A. Mathews)见到“泰姬”时不禁感概:“她是那么宏大、奢华,以至于刚开始时我都有些窒息了。”20年后,英国著名作家奥尔德斯·赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)依然这样评价道:“宏伟的泰姬酒店兼具了伦敦南肯辛顿建筑与印度亭台的风格,富有国际化气质。”这些赞美足以说明了孟买泰姬玛哈大酒店与生俱来的皇家风范。
   Persistent Pursuit Leads To Great Achievement
  "Taj" is diferent from the outset. Mr. Tata single-handedly created India’s modern textile industry, vigorously developed municipal buildings in Mumbai on the land of opportunities and prospects. Ten he established a great steel empire. With a bold innovative mind, he started making use of seasonal rainfall to generate electricity and planned to set up science and technology research centers in Bangalore in southern India. Why did he build such a large hotel? People have diferent opinions. One story says that Mr. Tata was once refused entry to two of the most luxurious hotels in Mumbai simply because of his Indian identity. Terefore, he wanted to build a super luxurious hotel owned by the indians and managed by Europeans and it would be open to everyone. Another story says that the Great Plague that broke out in Mumbai in 1896 made Mr. Tata want to build a luxury hotel to change the image of his beloved city. Tis wish led to many doubts, and even his friends said that he would go bankrupt and his business would come to an unfortunate end.   With an unmatched vision and a wise mind, Mr. Tata told himself to stick with the plan. And later it proved that he made the right choice. Te magnifcent and stately appearance of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel has become a well-deserved landmark. Te "Taj" has become the "Prince" among all hotels. In 1905, the famous reporter G.A. Mathews saw the "Taj" and said, "She is so magnifcent and extravagant that for a moment I felt my breath stopped." Twenty years later, famous British writer Aldous Huxley commented, "Te magnifcent Taj Hotels possesses the style of both South Kensington architecture and Indian pavilions, and is fully internationalised." Tese praises are enough to explain that the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai is certainly born with a royal style.
  The magnificent and stately appearance of Taj Mahal Palace Hotel has become a well-deserved landmark. The"Taj" has become the "Prince" among all hotels.

   From Mumbai to the World
  A trendseter at the turn of the century, it was the frst hotel in India to have electricity. At the time, it was probably the only place in the world where a British Viceroy could rub shoulders with an Indian Maharajah, where the Congress could debate with right wing leaders, and where sailors on shore leave could firt with the Pompadour Follies. Predating the Gateway of India by almost two decades, it was the Taj that welcomed the world to the city’ s shores.
  As the decades passed, and its reputation spreaded, the guests grew even more varied. It has been home to heads of state and celebrities, kings & queens and Hollywood royalty, Maharajahs and rock stars. Even as the glorious blend of Moorish, Oriental and Florentine styles in its grand exterior structure remains comfortingly the same, things have changed inside its doors. Te legendary rooms and suites, iconic restaurants and historical meeting spaces have been restored, keeping both the hotel’s legendary grandeur as well as Mumbai’s always throbbing, always modern pulse.

  The legendary rooms and suites, iconic restaurants and historical meeting spaces have each been restored, keeping both the hotel’s legendary grandeur as well as Mumbai’s always throbbing, always modern pulse.


   Be an Aristocrat in Your Palace
  When the long-awaited plane lands, you are picked up by a limousine at the airport immediately. As the car drives past the streets of the city, a well-trained butler pointed out parks, temples and other atractions to you. Upon arriving at the hotel in the city center, a landscape covering six acres emits a strong natural favor. Te palace building is mixed with local traditions and comfortable modern designs, a perfect location for an elegant experience.
  Entering the hotel, the magnifcent furnishings make you feel like they are in a royal palace in India: countless art treasures to be appreciated throughout the hotel’s interior space, with long gracious arcades and an elegant, dignifed central staircase. When you are still amazed by the luxury of this majestic palace, a traditional Indian welcome ceremony has unfolded itself in front of you: you are ofered graceful garlands by the girls, and a light tap of special favored paint on your forehead. At the moment, you are no longer a guest in a foreign country, but the safely returned master of the palace, ready to enjoy the luxury treatment that all nobles deserved.

  With the intensive care given by Mr. Tata and his descendants, "the Taj" remains pure and noble without any change in the past century. History made her rich, but she doesn’ t stay in the past. She continues to lead the modern urban trends and safeguard the national sentiment in the minds of the contemporary Indians with her strong spiritual will.

日前,原喜达屋集团大中华区总裁钱进正式加入万达酒店及度假村集团,并任总裁,领导和推动万达酒店事业宏大的全球拓展计划,致力达成公司远景目标。  钱进毕业于澳大利亚邦德大学 (Bond University)工商管理硕士课程,并于维多利亚大学 (Victoria University)取得工商管理博士学位。他在豪华酒店行业服务近30年,是业界备受敬重的专家级人士。自2012年起钱进出任喜达屋酒店及度假
从7月初开始,曾经在行业内引起不小轰动的利客满酒业超市开始在杭州收缩“战线”,一家又一家的门店被关闭。当时,利客满酒业超市的市场部有关人士表示,关闭一些门店只是公司战略调整,并没有什么特别之处。  但半个月前,利客满酒业超市关掉了20家门店中的第19家,只保留了位于古墩路的旗舰店。昔日红红火火的利客满褪尽繁华,连旗舰店也显得冷落孤单。  利客满是一家酒类连锁超市,是英文“liquor mart”的
中式餐饮像中国多元的文化观念和不断改变的社会组织形式,多样、包容、同化、为我所用。而若将中餐放在异国他乡又能保持住这份正宗,则更加要求经营者对标准化的把握与坚持。印度孟买君悦酒店的“中国房子”(China House)以及新德里凯悦酒店的“中国厨房”(China Kitchen)两家中餐厅,便将浓浓中国味儿咀嚼得入木三分,堪称大咖。  Chinese cuisine, like the multi
9月18日,有消息人士爆料称,近日,青岛啤酒股份有限公司将正式收购杭州西湖啤酒朝日(股份)有限公司。据该人士透露,青岛啤酒将斥资21亿人民币收购日本朝日集团所持西湖啤酒51%的股权。  目前,浙江啤酒市场百威英博和华润雪花啤酒占据相对优势,青岛啤酒有进一步拓展浙江市场的紧迫感。此前青岛啤酒在浙江台州设有一家工厂。2000年12月,青岛啤酒全资收购浙江海尔波酒业有限公司,成立青岛啤酒(台州)有限公司
渐行渐远的黄金十年    观点人物:酒鬼酒副总裁 范震  在8月20日举行的首届中国新名酒战略高峰论坛上,酒鬼酒副总裁范震断言,白酒企业蜂拥“售卖”历史感,将被年轻消费者摒弃。5~10年后,白酒行业恐风光难再。几乎与此同时,和君咨询公司副总经理王丰在《宏观经济形势下的白酒产业走势分析》的报告中也明确指出:目前,我国35~44岁这一人群的人口结构最有利于白酒消费。从2015年之后,随着中国人口结构调
拉贾斯坦邦在印度虽被称为“沙漠之邦”,但随处可见的皇宫古堡和亭台寺庙使之充满了传奇色彩。邦内的乌代浦尔好似沙漠中的一片绿洲,因拥有多个湖泊而被誉为“沙漠中的威尼斯”,波光粼粼、浪漫美丽。在这里,欧贝罗伊乌代维拉斯酒店以自身的皇室气度坐拥皮丘拉湖畔30英亩土地,守护着整片绿洲。  Rajastan in India, although known as the "desert of the stat
日本    日本目前葡萄酒年生产量在10万吨左右,产量在世界上排名第28位,国产葡萄酒几乎完全内销,出口量很少。日本的主要葡萄酒产区是北海道、山形县、新泻县、山梨县、长野县、滋贺县、枥木县、京都、大阪、兵库县、官崎县。作为亚洲最大的葡萄酒消费国,日本的葡萄酒市场95%依赖进口。但是近年来越来越多的专业人士开始把注意力放在日本国产葡萄酒上,大量引进欧洲优良葡萄酒品种和国际酿酒人才。一些顶级饭店正在收
在世界主流水疗理念中,印度水疗自成一派。提到印度水疗,又不得不提“阿育吠陀”(Ayurveda)这个词。阿育吠陀是梵文,原意为“生命科学”,是5000多年前在古印度圣人之间发展而成的比较全面的治愈系统,其理念贯穿于瑜伽、按摩及草药的利用等。如今,“阿育吠陀”不仅是一门医学体系,更代表着一种健康的生活方式。作为印度名声显赫的酒店集团,欧贝罗伊集团(The Oberoi Group)为宾客提供独具阿育
第三届烟台国际葡萄酒节在风光旖旎的烟台隆重举行,由一企、一城、一产业(葡萄酒产业)搭建的中国葡萄酒“老大”浮出水面。这也意味着,继白酒、啤酒之后,鲁酒第三极葡萄酒正式荣登行业“老大”,“山东特产”烟台葡萄酒成为这座滨海城市的新名片。  作为第三届烟台国际葡萄酒节的东道主,张裕带给烟台的不仅仅是一个产品,而是这座滨海城市的新名片,“来山东别忘了喝点张裕。”这句通俗而不失热情的话,是烟台人送给客人的口
“与其它建筑物不同,它并非一处建筑,而是一位帝王驻藏于永生之石的骄傲之爱。”这是英国诗人埃德温?阿诺德爵士描述印度泰姬陵时说过的一段话。毫无疑问,泰姬陵是印度的象征,从日出到日落都散发着不同的光辉,美到极致。如果在举手投足之间都可以观赏到这座伟大的“爱之神殿”,将会是怎样一种心境?欧贝罗伊阿玛维拉斯酒店就是这样一处与之为伍的栖所。  "Not a piece of architecture, as