
来源 :中学生英语·阅读与写作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YISHUIXIAOFENG2501
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  Passage 1 1~5 BCADC
  Passage 2 1~5 DBDDA
  Passage 1 1~5 BDBAC
  Passage 2 1~5 ABCAC
  Passage 1 1~4 ACDB
  Passage 2 1~3 CBA
  Passage 1 1~5 ACDBC
  Passage 2 1~5 ABADC
  Passage 1 1~5 CCBAB 6~10 AABCA
  Passage 2 1~5 BACAD 6~10 CAABC
  Passage 1 1~5 DADCA 6~10 BACAB
  11~15 BABCA
  Passage 2 1~5 BAACA 6~10 BACBB
  Passage 1 1~5 ABCDA 6~10 BCDAB
  11~15 CDABC
  Passage 2 1~5 BDACA 6~10 DBCBD
  11~15 BDBDA
  Passage 1 1~5 DAACC
  Passage 2 1~5 BCDCA
  Passage 1 1~5 BCBDB
  Passage 2 1~5 BCABC
  Passage 1 1~5 BADAC
  Passage 2 1~5 BACCA
  One possible version:
  I think going to school on foot is good for us. First of all, walking to school is a wonderful way to exercise and it’s good for health. Next, it’s fun to walk together with friends every day. We can talk about something interesting and know each other better. What’s more, if we walk, our parents won’t have to drive us to school. There will be fewer cars in the city. More walking and less driving helps to make our city cleaner. The streets won’t be as crowded as they are now. I hope more and more students will go to school on foot.
  One possible version:
  Zhang Ying is a student of Class A Grade 9. She is not only good at study but also very helpful, so she is loved by her classmates and teachers.
  Last Sunday was her parents’ seventeenth anniversary of marriage. She got up much earlier than before. After she did a lot of housework, she went to the supermarket to buy a bunch of flowers for them as a present. As soon as she came back, she began to prepare lunch, and she cooked a wonderful meal. Her parents were very happy. They had a great time that day.
  One possible version:
  Dear Chairman,
  I am a boy student from Class 1, Grade 3. I’d like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club.
  I am healthy. I work hard at my lessons. I like helping others. I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the street. On the bus, I always give my seat to those who need help. Sometimes, I pick up rubbish in the park.   If I am lucky enough to join the club, I can do more for others. Besides, I will be able to make more friends.
  I will be glad if I am accepted. I am waiting for your answer.
  Wang Lin
  One possible version:
  It was Mother’s Day yesterday. Peter thought he should do something for his mother. After school he went to a shop and bought some food and fruit. When he got home, he did his best to cook some delicious food. After that he cleaned the room. He felt very tired, but he was very happy. When his parents came back, they had their supper together. His mother was very happy and said, “Well done, my child!”
  One possible version:
  6th Jun
  My teachers and classmates have helped me a lot since I came here. They brought me local food from their homes. They were very delicious. My classmates showed me around our school. They even invited me to their homes, watching TV and enjoying dinner. After school they often ran and played volleyball with me on the playground. They came to talk with me when we were free. We have become good friends. They helped me with my lessons. When I had problems, I went to them for help. I feel very happy here. I hope to make more friends and make greater progress in my studies.
  One possible version:
  Do you know the New Ocean Waves? It’s one of the best bands on the music scene, which was founded in October, 2004.
  In the past few years the band has made great progress. It not only had three major concerts, but also made a hit CD. Best of all, it won the Best New Group of the year.
  They have new plans this year. They’re going to appear on CCTV. They plan to go on a world tour next month, so don’t miss them if you have a chance to go to their concerts. They believe that they will have a Number One hit some day. The band is on its way.
  Let’s say good luck to them and wish them success!
  One possible version:
  Dear friends,
  My name is Ling Feng, I’m 13 years old. I’m a boy student in Wendy Middle School. I’m in Grade Seven. I like making friends, and I like P.E. and computer very much. They are my favorite subjects. I want to look for a pen pal, he or she can be in different countries or age. If you want to be my pen pal, please e-mail me at lingfeng@163.com. Thank you.
  Yours,   Ling Feng
  One possible version:
  Actors Wanted
  We need ten boys to be extras. Are you good at English and basketball? Do you want to be an actor? Can you work from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. this weekend? You can get 10 yuan each day. It’s fun. Come and enjoy it! Please e-mial Miss Sun at sunyw@163.com.
  One possible version:
  A Happy Weekend
  I had a happy day last Saturday. I got up early in the morning. After a quick breakfast, I went to visit some good friends. We went to climb a mountain where we sang and played games the whole morning. In the afternoon, we played basketball on our school playground. In the evening, we went to see a movie. It was a story about exploring. What a happy day I had!I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep until it was late at night.
  One possible version:
  Helping each other makes the world wonderful.
  Hello, everyone. I’m Li Zhi. It’s nice to speak about help here. In our life we often help others and also get help from others. When we help our classmates with their study and other things, we can develop our friendship. If we give a hand to old people, we can understand the meaning of pleasure. As we know, we need to be patient in our life. I think we can get much when we help the people around us. As the saying goes, “Giving is much better than receiving.”
  One possible version:
  Learn to Smile
  Smiling is an attitude to life. In our life, there may be something unpleasant. For example, you fail in an examination; or another time, you are misunderstood by your friends. These unpleasant things may make you feel bad. Then what will you do? Why not learn to smile? Smiling to yourself can bring back your confidence. Sometimes, the greatest enemy is yourself. That’s to say, sometimes you are beaten by yourself. We should also learn to smile to others. It will help us to get closer to others. So smiling is the most widely understood language.
  One possible version:
  Protecting the Environment
  It’s our duty to protect the environment. The environment is becoming worse and worse. We must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment. First, we can ride to school or go to school on foot and tell our parents to walk to work instead of driving a car. Second, we should save water and electricity by turning off the taps and lights in time when we don’t need them. Third, give the old books to the next grade students if we don’t use them any more. By doing this, we can save many trees. At last, remember to go shopping with basket rather than plastic bags. I believe our life will become better and better if we can do these things.
  Let’s take actions.
Part One 听力部分 (20分)    Ⅰ. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)  ()1. A. bananas B. pearsC. apples  ()2. A. hamburgersB. French fries C. dumplings  ()3. A. strawberriesB. tomatoesC. oranges  ()4. A. lunchB
许国璋  大师简介: 许国璋教授(1915-1994),浙江海宁人,北京外国语大学教授,我国著名的英语教育家,杰出的语言学家。  学英语就要无法无天,要天不怕地不怕。学外语,要眼尖,耳明,嘴勤,手快。只要多读,多记,多讲,多写,自有水到渠成之日。学习外语,从事语言学研究的人不要把自己圈在只读洋文的狭小天地里,一定要具备良好的国学基础。 光学几句干巴巴的英文不行……不要总是把阅读的目的放在提高英文上
摘要:论述了使用各种底层接口访问数据库的方法。并对三种方法进行比较,分析各自的特点和适用场合。  关键词:开放式数据库互连 数据库访问 接口  中图分类号:TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-2422(2008)03-0022-01    1 ODBC的访问方式    开放数据库互连(ODBC)是微软公司开放服务结构中有关数据库的一个组成部分,建立了一组规范,并提供了一组对数据库
导演 (Director):科迪·卡梅伦(Cody Cameron) 克里斯·皮恩(Kris Pearn)  配音演员 (Cast):比尔·哈德尔(Bill Hader) 安娜·法瑞丝(Anna Faris)  詹姆斯·凯恩(James Caan) 安迪·萨姆伯格(Andy Samberg)  尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯(Neil Patrick Harris)  泰瑞·克鲁斯(Terry Crews
一  曾几何时,“大作”已经成了使用概率越来越高的词汇。  一般来讲,大凡以“大”为前缀的溢美之辞,多有夸张之嫌。但是,就当下各类书法展览中的作品尺幅来讲,谓之“大作”,真的一点儿也不夸张。每每走进展厅,顶天立地的大幅作品满目皆是,龙飞凤舞,绝对吸引眼球。据说,其实书家们还有更大的作品不能送展呢。由于展品竞相斗“大”,结果主办方只好事先限制参展作品的最大尺寸。  惜哉“大作”,今天它幾乎要退位成一
One of these days you’ll be 总会有这么一天   Under the covers you’ll be你想封闭自己  Under the table and you’ll realize 你想躲藏起来  All of your days are numbered 可你终会了解,生命是有限的  All of them one to one hundred 从一到一百  A
The maze is made up of Monkey King and his golden cudgel. Please get to B from A in one minute. 这个迷宫由孙悟空和金箍棒组成。请你从箭头A走到箭头B,限时一分钟。
2016年10月21-23日,首届STEM世博会在上海成功举办。此次STEM世博会由中国友好和平发展基金会和联合技术公司共同推出,以“推动世界前行”为主题,整合了政府部门、教育机构、企业、公益组织等各方资源,举办了一系列主题论坛、科技创新展示、沙龙、工作坊等精彩活动,就汇聚社会各界力量推动STEM教育、激发未来创新人才培养进行了交流和探索。“2016 STEM教育国际论坛”是此次STEM世博會的重