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哈尔滨市香坊区珠江路31 号,蕾博尔大厦,黑龙江省完善城镇社会保障体系试点办公室所在地。10月31日,当本刊采访组来到这里时,看到的却是 “门前冷落车马稀”的景象。 “今天是我们并轨组关闸门的日子,截至今天,全省完成并轨163.62人,与我们试点启动前摸查的数字几乎一样”。说这番话时,黑龙江省试点办并轨组副组长梁光伟如释重负。在不到一年半的时间内, 160多万人先后与国有企业解除劳动关系,动用资金136亿多元,这对于财政极为困难的黑龙江省来说,可谓壮举!而其艰难的程度亦可想而知。黑龙江人将之称为-- Harbin Xiangfang District Zhujiang Road 31, Lei Bole Building, Heilongjiang Province, improve the town social security system pilot office is located. On October 31, when the magazine interview group came here, I saw the scene of “the front and the rear of the wheel and wheels are thinner and colder”. “Today is the day when we merged the gates. As of today, 163.62 persons have been merged with the railways in our province, which is almost the same as the numbers we touched before the pilot started.” To make these remarks, Liang Guangwei, deputy leader of the Heilongjiang Provincial Pilot Corps Integration Team, was relieved. In less than a year and a half, more than 1.6 million people have successively lifted their labor relations with state-owned enterprises and used more than 13.6 billion yuan of funds. This is a feat for Heilongjiang Province, which is extremely financially viable, and its degree of difficulty can be Think of it. Heilongjiang people will be called -