
来源 :宁夏农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyw6623
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在毛主席无产阶级革命路线指引下,我们韩渠大队以批林整风和党的基本路线为纲,开展“农业学大寨”的群众运动,认真贯彻农业“八字宪法“,实行科学种田,不断夺取水稻高产。1971年全大队粮食总产321万斤,平均亩产884斤,跨过了“长江”,其中水稻总产140.3万斤,亩产951斤;1972年粮食总产330万斤,平均亩产926斤,比1971年增长42斤,水稻亩产达1,002斤,比1971年每亩增产51斤;1973年全大队粮食总产385万斤,比1972年增 Guided by Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line, the Hanqu unit, based on the basic line of “rectifying the armed forces and rectifying the party work and the party’s basic principle,” carried out the mass movement of “learning from agriculture in Dazhai”, conscientiously implemented the “eight-character constitution” of agriculture, practiced farming in a scientific way, Capture high yield of rice. In 1971, the entire brigade’s grain output totaled 3.21 million kilograms, with an average yield of 884 kilos per mu, crossing the “Yangtze River.” The total output of paddy rice was 1.4 million kilograms and 951 kilograms per mu. The total output of grain in 1972 was 3.3 million kilograms, with an average yield of 926 Kg, an increase of 42 pounds over 1971. The per-mu yield of rice reached 1,002 kilograms, an increase of 51 kilograms more than that of 1971. In 1973, the entire grain output of the entire brigade was 3.85 million kilograms,
对西北地区高校图书馆的人员结构、经费情况、文献布局、服务内容诸多方面进行了全方位的量化分析,阐述了西北高校图书馆的本质特色,提出了西北高校图书馆的发展思路。 This p
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沈阳自动化研究所水下机器人研究中心研制成功了我国第一台水面救助机器人。 该水面救助机器人总长不足1米,重量约30千克,能以每秒2~3米的速度前进,它虽不能载人,但可以拖着
Tax is very important to the whole country, so a scientific tax predictive model is needed. This paper introduces the theory of the cloud model. On this basis,