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北京话——全国是比较丰富的地方话,许多词汇让初到北京的外省市人丈二和尚摸不到头脑。比如“托”这个词,你就是查《新华词典》也只能告诉您是“用手掌承举、衬垫、请人代办、寄放、依赖、推辞”等意思,但用这些意思去解释如今北京人家喻户晓的“布托”、“鞋托”、“医托”、“车托”等等口头语,就只有伸舌头的份儿了。北京人的“托”的意思已经转化为“雇佣来冒充顾客帮助经营者销售的人”,已经有了贬义,含有合起伙来骗人的意思。反正北京话也是随着社会发展,迅速增加、变化。这不,如今在婚姻介绍领域又冒出了一个新词——“婚托”。“婚托”就是那些与婚介绍所老板合起伙来骗征婚者钱财的人。谁能想到月下佬这个积德行善的行当也有了蒙人的把戏? Beijing dialect - the country is rich in local words, many of the vocabulary so that first arrived in Beijing, the provincial capital Zhangzhang two monks touched the mind. For example, “care” is the word, you just check the “Xinhua Dictionary” can only tell you is “the palm of your hand, cushion, please people agency, mailing, relying on, dismissal” and other ideas, but with these meanings to explain Beijing The well-known “Bhutto”, “shoe care”, “Medical care”, “car care” and so verbal language, only tongue out of the child. The Peking “trusses” have been translated into “hiring people to impersonate the salespersons of their business operators” and have become derogatory and include co-associates to deceive people. Anyway, Beijing dialect is also with the social development, rapid increase and change. This does not mean that nowadays a new word has emerged in the field of marriage introduction - “marriage care”. “Marriage care” is the marriage of those who come together with the employer to deceive the money of those who marry. Who can think of this plot of decency to do good deeds of doing things also have Mongolia trick?
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1、随意打断他人的谈话或抢人话头,扰乱别人的思路。 2、讲话不注意解释和概括,让人难以领会。 3、由于自己注意力不集中,迫使对方重复谈过的话题。 1, arbitrarily interr
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