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2005年4月,浙江广电集团广播新闻综合频率联合全省近百家市县广播电台,推出了大型广播纪实报道《共产党人为民心声——百名村支书实话实说》(以下简称为《百名村支书实话实说》)。这组报道全部由精选人物录音讲话合成,在浙江电台早间重点新闻节目播出约两分钟的录音报道后,又在中午专题节目中进行连线直播,详细介绍百名村支书为村民办的一件件实事和村民对他们的评价。同时,这组报道还在全省近百家电台联动播出,在报纸、电视、网络等不同媒介推广刊播。这组为配合保持共产党员先进性教育活动推出的主题报道,一经推出就受到听众和省党、政部门的好评,被认为是一组贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近群众,通过农村具体实在的变化来揭示共产党人立党为公、执政为民这一重大主题的优秀广播作品。在媒体竞争激烈、广播备受挤压的今天,广播的主题报道如何以吸引听众的内容和形式弘扬主旋律,如何突破和创新主题报道的形态,是大家共同关注的话题。为此,本刊编辑部与浙江广电集团广播新闻综合频率联合就大型广播纪实报道《百名村支书实话实说》在北京召开了专题研讨会,来自广电协会、中国记协、首都平面媒体和高校的专家学者就广播主题报道的创新发表了各自的真知灼见。本期特别策划将专家学者们在研讨会上的部分发言整理刊登出来,抛砖引玉,以期获得同行们对主题报道创新的更大关注。 April 2005, Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, the combined frequency of radio and television news of nearly 100 cities and counties across the province radio station, launched a large radio documentary “Communists for the people’s voice - one hundred village party secretary truth be told” (hereinafter referred to as “100 village party secretary be honest”). This group of stories were all synthesized by recording and speaking of selected characters. After the broadcasts about two minutes of major news programs by Zhejiang Radio Station were broadcast in the morning, they were broadcast live on the noon special programs, detailing 100 village party secretary’s books for villagers One piece of real and villagers comment on them. In the meantime, this group of reports is still being broadcast by nearly one hundred radio stations across the province and is being broadcast in various media such as newspapers, television and the Internet. The theme of this group, which was introduced in response to the educational campaign to maintain the advanced nature of party members, was praised by the audience, the provincial party and government departments as soon as it was introduced. It was considered a group of activities that are close to reality, close to life, close to the masses, and concrete changes in rural areas So as to reveal outstanding broadcast works of the communists on the major theme of serving the public and governing for the people. In today’s intense media competition and the scramble of broadcasting, it is a topic of common concern that how the theme of broadcasting reports on how to attract the audience’s content and form to promote the theme and how to break through and innovate the theme of coverage. To this end, the editorial department of this journal and the integrated frequency of radio and news of Zhejiang Radio and Television Group jointly held a symposium on the large-scale radio documentary coverage of “one hundred village party secretary truth be told” from Beijing Radio and Television Association, China Association for Journalism, the capital print media and universities Experts and scholars delivered their own insights on the innovations reported on radio topics. Special issue of this issue will be experts and scholars at the seminar part of the statement put together to start, in order to get colleagues on the topic of greater focus on reporting innovation.
目的:研究大蒜素对高脂饮食诱导的载脂蛋白E基因敲除小鼠(apolipoprotein E gene knockout,apoE-/-)动脉粥样硬化斑块稳定性的影响,并从抗炎及抗凋亡方面探讨大蒜素干预动脉
一位律师在公园里用午餐。他忽然注意到,离他几英尺的草地上,坐着一个十分引人注目的男人——他穿着毛呢的黑色细条纹西装,里面雪白笔挺的衬衫上,打着一条价格不菲的真丝领带,领带上还别着红宝石的别针;他手腕上戴着一块劳力士金表,脚蹬黑色光洁度很高的皮鞋,身旁放着萨尔瓦托·菲拉格慕的公文包——他显然是吃过了午饭来此休息。  “我敢打赌,这人一定是个暴发户。”律师心里想。他走上前去自我介绍后,发现这个人不仅是