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无意中翻到一份1984年6月13日的人民日报,看到第二版上登有一封读者来信,批评该报一则报道皖赣铁路正式运行的消息,竟然没有介绍这条铁路的起点和终点在哪里。信后附有编者的话,表示“读者批评得对,无论是记者还是编辑,都应该从中记取教训,在报道一件事情时,要尽可能地把情况清楚地告诉读者。”最后又补充介绍了皖赣铁路的起点、终点和途经的主要城市。这块短短200来字的“豆腐干”,现在‘吃”起来还是那么有滋有味,也许是多半未“吃”的缘故吧! Inadvertently turned a People’s Daily on June 13, 1984 and saw a letter from a reader posted on the second edition criticizing the newspaper’s report that the official operation of the Anhui-Jiangxi Railway did not even introduce the starting point of the railway And where is the end? With the editors’ words attached, he said: “The reader is right in criticizing that both journalists and editors should learn lessons from them and, in reporting one thing, tell the reader as clearly as possible.” Finally, Anhui Jiangxi railway starting point, the end and the main city via. This is a short 200 word to the “dried bean curd”, and now ’eat’ or so nourishing, may not be the most ’eat’ sake!