转变观念 进入信息无障碍的新天地——专访IBM信息无障碍中心主任王馥明

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目前人类社会已经进入信息时代。随着技术的日新月异和网络的全面普及,计算机、网络已经成为我们日常工作和生活中日益重要的工具,越来越多的信息通过网络来传递,电子政务、网上银行、网上商店等利用网络为载体的服务的建设和完善也为人们带来了极大的便利。获取信息、进行交流是人的基本权利,也是构建和谐社会、追求公平信息社会的重要一环。从发达国家到发展中国家,从政府到民间,“信息无障碍”已经引起越来越多的关注,同时也有了不少举措和成功案例。在中国,这项事业刚刚起步。2004年10月,中国首届信息无障碍论坛在北京召开,就信息无障碍事业在中国发展的机遇和挑战进行了探讨,为促进社会各界共同关注和推动信息无障碍做出了积极的贡献。为了进一步推动信息无障碍事业在中国的成功发展,作为论坛的承办单位之一,《互联网天地》杂志从本期开始开设“信息无障碍”专栏,向广大读者介绍这一具有前瞻性和深远影响的事业。 At present, human society has entered the information age. With the ever-changing technology and the universal access to the Internet, computers and the Internet have become increasingly important tools in our daily work and daily life. More and more information is transmitted through the Internet. E-government, online banking and online shops The construction and improvement of the carrier’s services have also brought great convenience to people. Access to information and communication are basic human rights and an important part of building a harmonious society and pursuing a fair information society. From the developed countries to the developing countries, from the government to the private sector, “information accessibility” has drawn more and more attention. At the same time, there have been many initiatives and success stories. In China, this undertaking has just started. In October 2004, China’s first Information Accessibility Forum was held in Beijing to discuss opportunities and challenges for the development of information accessibility in China, making a positive contribution to promoting common concern and promoting information accessibility for all sectors of society. In order to further promote the successful development of information-accessibility business in China, as one of the organizers of the forum, “Internet World” magazine has opened the “Information Accessibility” column from this issue to introduce readers to this forward-looking Far-reaching impact of the cause.