
来源 :中国护理管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiyang1979
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目的:了解中华护理学会糖尿病专业委员及所在省市糖尿病教育管理现状,为今后工作目标的制定及实施奠定基础,更好地发挥委员单位示范作用,推进糖尿病护理事业的发展。方法:采用便利抽样法对全国35家三级甲等医院的糖尿病管理者进行调查。结果:35例调查对象中,28人(80.0%)在本省市护理学会担任职务,30人(85.7%)接受过糖尿病教育相关培训,从事糖尿病专业护理年限为(15.22±6.93)年;所在医院综合病区糖尿病患者比例占66.0%,平均住院天数达(11.45±3.03)天。94.0%设有糖尿病病房,内分泌科日门诊量在30~1200人,其中糖尿病患者比例高达73.5%,就诊人群庞大;85.7%的医院设有专职糖尿病教育护士,其中74.2%的专职糖尿病教育护士从事教育年限超过5年。结论:在我国,三级甲等医院有着较好的糖尿病教育管理基础,为进一步深化和提高全国糖尿病管理质量提供可能。“,”Objective:To investigate the situation of diabetes mellitus management and education in 35 tertiary A hospitals in China, in order to give reference for Diabetes commission of Chinese Nursing Association to make plan and set work goals in the future. Method:By convenient sampling, the current status of diabetes mellitus management and education was investigated in 35 tertiary A hospitals in China. Result:80.0%of hospitals held a post in local nursing association and have educational training. The average years of going in for diabetes nursing was (15.22±6.93) years. 94.0%of hospitals had diabetic care unit, the amount of daily endocrine outpatient visits was 30-1200/d , up to 73.5%patients with diabetes . 85.7%of hospitals had diabetes educators and 74.2%of them had been in this ifeld more than ifve years. Conclusion:The quality of diabetic management and education in tertiary A hospitals in China was high which is the basis of further improvement in all country.
妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM)是指妊娠期首次发生或发现的糖尿病,包含妊娠前已经患有糖尿病但在孕期首次发现的患者。GDM是一种多基因遗传的内分泌代谢