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全球纸及纸板产量近几年持续增长,2013年突破4亿吨大关,达到4.02亿吨,2014年继续增长达到4.06亿吨,2015年微增0.4%,达到4.076亿吨。预计2016年全球纸及纸板产量将继续实现微弱增势,估计离4.1亿吨越来越近。从全球纸及纸板的消费量来看,与产量基本平衡,保持连年的微增势头。从全球各大洲的生产量与消费量来看,亚洲、欧洲和北美洲是全球纸及纸板三大生产和消费区域。见图1、图2。欧洲纸及纸板产量在2007年达到历史以来的高峰值,总产量超过1亿吨,但随着2008年全球金融危机的到来,受到的影响较为深远,纸及纸板产量和消费量也随之降低,在 The world’s paper and paperboard production has continued to grow in recent years. In 2013, it exceeded 400 million tons, reaching 402 million tons. In 2014, it continued to grow at 406 million tons, a slight increase of 0.4% in 2015 to 407.6 million tons. It is estimated that global output of paper and paperboard will continue to see a slight increase in 2016, estimated to be closer to 410 million tons. From the global consumption of paper and cardboard point of view, and the basic balance of production, maintain the trend of declining year after year. From the perspective of production and consumption across all continents, Asia, Europe and North America are the three largest production and consumption areas for paper and paperboard in the world. See Figure 1, Figure 2. Europe’s paper and paperboard production peaked in history in 2007 with a total output of more than 100 million tons. However, with the global financial crisis in 2008, it was far-reaching and the output and consumption of paper and paperboard went down as well ,in
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