Preparation of titanium oxycarbide from various titanium raw materials: PartⅠ. Carbothermal reductio

来源 :稀有金属(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackydmb
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Carbothermal reduction was performed at temperatures up to 1600℃ for vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite, ilmenite concentrate, and high titania slag. The possibility of selective carbothermal reduction was discussed in detail from the viewpoint of thermodynamics, and also tested. The products were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and chemical analysis. The results show that it is possible to reduce all iron oxide to metallic iron, and titania to oxycarbide (TiCxOy), without the reduction of other oxides like silica and magnesia.
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