An Eco—critical Perspective of the Relationship between Man and Nature in Moby Dick By Liu Jin and S

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  襄州區二中 柳进
  襄州区二中 孙斌
  Moby Dick,by Herman Melville,one of the important American novels in the 19th century, was published in 1851.The relationship between whalers and the whale can be regarded as the relationship between human beings and nature. The tragic ending gives a caution to human beings.
  This thesis analyzes their relationship in an eco-critical perspective in Moby Dick through two parts.The first part is about human beings’ attitude towards whales,including Ishmael,Ahab,Starbuck and Queequeg in Moby Dick in an eco-critical perspective.All the whalers from different classes have different attitudes,which are harmonious and inharmonious,towards Moby Dick.The second part is about the natural thing,including Pequod, Moby Dick and sea in Moby Dick in an eco-critical perspective.
  Eco-criticism originated from Europe and America in the later of 20th century. The reason why it comes into being is the ecological crisis on the earth.So some writers want to draw the people’s attention on the environment by their works.In this thesis,I will analysis the main characters with perspective of eco-criticism.It helps to dig out the practical significance of Moby Dick and then rouse man’s environmental awareness,which is good to make man respect nature and get along well with nature.Key words:Moby Dick;eco-critical;human being;nature; harmonious An Eco-critical Perspective View of Human Beings in Moby Dick
  (1)Ishmael’s Harmonious Attitude Towards Whales。The novel starts with “call me Ishmael”. Ishmael recalled his experience to hunt whales, what he saw and heard during the voyage and stated the knowledge about cetology.He is not only a narrator but also a junior member of the crew of the Pequod. There are two different significances to set on the voyage:one is as a sailor;the other is as a narrator.Unlike to Ahab and Starbuck, he wants to explore the relationship between human beings and nature and regards nature as equal as human beings. Ishmael has little or no money in his purse, and is not interested in anything on the shore. He wants to see the watery part of the world.
  During the rest of the voyage,he gradually becomes a narrator who recalls the experience on Pequodand explains the mystery between man and nature.He thinks the white color of Moby Dick symbols nature or the universe which is objective and neutral.The purpose of his voyage is not to kill whale and to make money but to explore the mystery of nature. During the voyage,he appears as a narrator to describe the scene of hunting whales.   (2)Man’s “Unusual” Actions for Whales。Ahab and Moby Dick As an avenger, Ahab is a mysterious person. “it was one of those less lowering, but still grey and gloomy enough mornings of the transition, when with a fair wind the ship was rushing through the water with a vindictive sort of leaping and melancholy rapidity,that as I mounted to the deck at the call of the forenoon watch,so soon as I levelled my glanced towards the taffrail, foreboding shivers ran over me. Reality outran apprehension;Captain Ahab stood upon his quarter-deck.”This kind of atmosphere makes Ahab strange and mysterious.He is an ace at hunting whales.He spends most of his time on the ocean and regards the ocean as his own farm.He kills many whales. However,one of his legs is killed by a white whale,which throws huge damage on his body and mind. It doesn’t make him depressed,but he is in high spirits to avenge himself on the white whale.Revenge on the white whale becomes the meaning and value of his life.As an experienced hunter,Ahab lost one of his legs.He could have spent his remaining years in comfort, but he doesn’t. He installed an artificial leg made of whale bone and continues his hunting.He swears to kill the white whale at all costs.He promises to give the gold piece to anyone who first sees Moby Dick.The harm to Ahab is due to Moby Dick’s self-protection. Anything can’t change Ahab’s mind. And at last,the prediction comes true. He was killed by Moby Dick when he tries to kill his enemy.
  (3)Starbuck and Moby Dick。The chief mate of the Pequod is Starbuck, who is a native of Nantucket. He is a Quaker by descent and convinced Christian. The Christian think nature is God’s gift to humanity and a tool for human use.They also think nature is a tool which is used to punish human beings by God.So human beings must comply with nature. Influenced by the traditional culture,the Christian suffer from the belief crisis. They are in obedience to God as well as against themselves. Starbuck is a typical example in Moby Dick.
  Ⅲ. An Eco-critical View of Nature in Moby Dick
  (4)Pequod: A “Living” Desolated Island。Pequod is such a rare old craft, which is painted a gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones.Its materials come from all over the world,such as masts from Japan, decoration from ocean and wood from America.And it is adorned like a primitive coffin.Pequod undergoes the typhoons and calms of the four oceans and suffers from long seasoned and weather-stained.The whole voyage of the Pequod is to kill the Moby Dick.   All the crews, from different kind of classes on Pequod,are a epitome of America. It is a ship superficially, while it is a carrier of desire. Its mission is to pursue wealth,to subsistent and revenge. In order to finish the mission, it has no choice but to kill many whales on the voyage. Every sense of hunting whales is dangerous and bloody. Before desire and interests, everything seems insignificant. Whalers devoted themselves to hunting whales. During the hunting, we can’t see anything except the whale oil and the satisfaction. In order to finish the mission, hunting Moby Dick is without wiggle room. Ahab’s revenge is the clue of the whole novel.
  (5)Whales: Secret but Powerful Forces of Nature。Moby Dick possesses different symbolic meanings for different individuals. The White Whale is a legendary concept to the Pequod’s crew.It can be used to transfer their anxieties about their frightening and dangerous jobs.There are many experiences of the sailors about Moby Dick. Sometimes it is calm and peaceful, but sometimes it is a horrific sea monster. For Ahab,“all that most madden and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things;all truth with malice in it;all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick.”P203 It symbols fear or evil literally. It is Ahab’s destiny to eradicate this symbolic evil. For Ishmael,it not only symbols the nobleness and tranquility,but also symbols the horror death. It is an incorporation of all contradictory things in the universe. It makes Ishmael understand that he should not destroy nature but explore the mystery of nature.
  Moby Dick is the research object in this thesis. It is used to inspire people to recognize the important role of nature and come to understand the balance of ecosystem. Moby Dick is regarded as an evil book. It is not until the 1920s that the ecological value is discovered and accepted by readers.At the very beginning of industrial civilization,Herman Melville foresees the seriously ecological crisis caused by the over-exploring nature. But people do not attach much importance on it and then suffer from their action.In this thesis, I analyze the relationship between human being and nature in the view of eco-criticism. The main characters in Moby Dick die except Ishmael in the hunting of The White Whale, which tells that human beings will take the consequences if they still continue the uncontrolled exploitation and the unlimited use.
  I hope our human beings will pay much attention to the environment and don’t do the thing for the immediate interests but for the long-term interests. This is the main purpose of this thesis. Besides, I hope this thesis will make a foundation for the following researchers.But in fact, there are some other shortcomings in this thesis, for example, the lacking of evidences.
新课标强调学生要在愉快中学习,创造民主、轻松、和谐、浓郁的课堂氛围,是激 发学习兴趣、焕发课堂活力的前提条件。尊重学生的学习体验,使学生无拘无束 地大胆质疑、发表见解、与教师争论,只有这样民主宽松的教学环境,学生才会以愉快的心情钻研问题、启动思维、驰骋想象。新课标要求教师创设丰富的教学环境,激发学生的学习动机,培养学生的学习兴趣.如何营造一个良好的课堂氛围呢?  一、構建新型师生关系  在语文教学
对新任班主任来说,刚开始做这一工作很不顺手,往往是每天忙得团团转,但工作效果又差,况且有时还会与学生引发矛盾。我多年来连续担任班主任工作,效果较好,使我感到作为班主任,应是班集体的组织者、领导者和教育者,是联系班上各科教师及各类学生组织力量的纽带,是对学生进行思想道德教育的骨干,是沟通学校、家庭和社会教育的桥梁。任务艰巨,责任大。 但不论使用什么组织方式、组织方法,我们的教育都是想让学生养成好的学
摘要:当前人类步入信息化时代,教育教学活动越来越受到信息技术的影响。在化学教学中引入多媒体教学,为传统教学注入了一种活性催化剂,大大提高了教学效果。但在实际教学中也存在着种种的问题,研究这些问题并提出解决问题的对策,以便促进化学教学水平的提升。  关键词:多媒体 优点 缺点 对策  《全日制义务教育化学课程标准》指出:“义务教育阶段的化学课程以提高学生的科学素养为主,激发学生学习化学的兴趣,帮助学
阅读教学是小学语文教学的基本环节,对一个学生来说,是一种十分重要的能力,同时也是学生应该具备的一个重要素质。《语文新课程标准》指出:在小学语文教学中,阅读是学生的个性化行为,应引导学生钻研文本,在主动积极的思维和情感活动中,加深理解和体验,有所感悟和思考,受到情感熏陶,获得思想启迪,享受审美乐趣。要珍视学生独特的感受、体验和理解。由此可见,阅读教学是语文教学中一项重要内容。  然而在目前的农村小学
摘要:数学概念教学时多想一下它的背景,它的形成过程,它的应用,以及它与其他概念的联系。善于用生本理念落实教学活动,有意识地引导学生揭示数学概念的形成背景、形成过程以及它与其他概念的联系,揭示数学概念形成与完善的必然性、合理性,完成概念教学。  关键词: 数学概念 兴趣 生本 合作  传统的数学教学模式一般是重解题轻概念, 而在新课标的要求下,数学概念课的教学, 要坚持以人为本的教育理念, 尊重学生
一、孝道的缺失及缺失的原因分析  小彬,父母离异,他从小跟着爷爷在农村长大。去年,他爷爷去世了,爸爸把他带来身边,三年级转到我校。按理说,穷人家的孩子早当家,爸爸在工厂打工,工资不高,又要租房住,他应该帮做点家务以减轻父亲的负担,但小彬不但没有体谅父亲的艰辛,沒有帮做家务,连自己的衣服还要父亲洗,还挑吃挑穿经常顶撞父亲,还经常到黑网吧上网。有一次,父亲批评他上网,他还离家出走。  “这绝不是个别现
教育工作德育为先。古有“做事先做人”之说。道德素质是素质教育的灵魂。习近平总书记说:“教育决定着人类的今天,也决定着人类的未来。广大教师要做学生锤炼品格的引路人,做学生学习知识的引路人,做学生创新思维的引路人,做学生奉献祖国的引路人。”当好学生“引路人” 加强综合治理,多管齐下,形成一种有利于青少年学生健康成长的生长环境。  “近朱者赤,近墨者黑。”孟母择邻而居。古语又云:蓬生麻中,不扶而直。无不
小学语文教学的目的应立足训练学生具有初步的听、说、读、写能力,养成热爱母语、学习母语、运用母语的习惯。在教学过程中,使学生受到爱国主义教育、社会主义思想品德教育和科学思想方法的启蒙教育,培育学生爱美的情趣,健康的个性,良好的意志品格和丰富的想象能力。我从事小学语文教学30年,在不断的摸索中寻求好的教学方法,得出的结论是“以读为主 精讲多读”。  一、朗读课文,培养学生表达能力  小学语文教学低年级