A lesson in the field

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  On Chirstmas Day , I went to my grandpa’s field with two friends.
  “Green is the carrot leaves and red is the persimmons,”said Jiang Linyiman , one of my friends .
  “Yes , how beautiful it is !” Lin Jiayi, another friend of mine said. “But what will we do here ? ”
  “Let’s pull up the carrots. Follow me .”We went to the carrot field.
  “If you want to pull up a large carrot , you should find a carrot with a thick stem .” I told them in the field .
  “How can we find a thick stem as it is under the ground ?” asked Lin Jiayi.“Look at this one. The carrot is under the ground, but its stem is on the ground ,”said grandpa with a smile , “now you can have a competition to pull up the biggest one that you can find .”
  15 minutes, 20 minutes ... Time passed . At last, I found the biggest carrot , and Lin Jiayi’s was a little smaller . “Very good!” said grandpa , “what do you want to do next?”
  “Pick persimmons ,”said Lin Jiayi , as he saw a persimmon tree on the hills .“OK, let’s go!”
  I was the first to arrive under the persimmon tree, and Jiang Linyiman was the second . “Let’s climb the persimmon tree to pick persimmons ,”she said . Then she tried to climb it .
  “No, the tree is weak, and you are too heavy. Let’s throw the stick to them and the persimmons will drop down .”
  “OK! But first we have to find some small dead branches .”
  “Come here , here are some branches,” said Lin Jiayi. “Look at me .” He threw a branch to the tree , but failed.“Haha,” laughed Jiang Linyiman. She tried, but the branch was thrown too low.
  Lin Jiayi picked up another branch and wanted to throw again. “Stop! Let me try,” I said. I threw the branch so high that it fly over the tree .
  Then my grandpa came with a large trunk , and collided the persimmons with it. The persimmons dropped down with a sound of “boom”. We picked them up happily .
  My grandpa told us that people couldn’t use brute force to grow vegetables. We should grow them according to the order of nature. This is the first lesson in the field that taught by my grandpa. It’s unforgettable.
  field 田里 carrot 胡萝卜 persimmon 柿子stem 茎 dead branch 枯树枝 fly over 飞过trunk 树干 collide 碰撞 brute force 蛮力the order of nature 自然规律
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編辑/葛肖杏 李珏 王颖翘
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