
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:armstronger7026
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1971年9月13日,在北京市怀柔县沙峪公社(现为渤海镇)发生了震惊中外的林彪反党集团党羽直升机迫降事件。当时我正担任怀柔县公安局驻沙峪公社公安员,并;临时兼任公社武装部长。在这一事件中,我意外地直接参加了抓捕林彪反党集团党羽李伟信等人,其中一些鲜为人知的情节令 On September 13, 1971, a helicopter crash that stunned the party members of the Lin Piao anti-Party clique at home and abroad was staged at Shayu Commune (now Bohai Town) in Huairou County, Beijing. At that time, I was working as a public security officer in Shayu commune of Huairou County Public Security Bureau, and temporarily served as armed minister of the commune. In this incident, I accidentally participated directly in the arrest of Li Weixin and others who are members of the Lin Piao anti-Party clique. Some of these little-known stories make