县域经济:农业大县 工业小县 经济弱县

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农业大县、工业小县、经济弱县、财政穷县……马培华委员在政协大会上口头发言时对县域经济所做的特征性描述,在两会代表委员中引起共鸣——民建中央副主席、全国人大代表辜胜阻为此专门采写了一份建议案,和这位政协委员“遥相呼应”:现在是该重视县域经济发展,改变其“缺血体虚”现状的时候了。目前我国2861个县级市县区,国土面积占全国的94%,人口占全国的71%,GDP占全国的50%的左右,财政收入约占全国的45%,固定资产投资约占全国的40%,社会消费总额约占全国的50%。 The characteristic descriptions of the county economy made by members of the Ma Pei-hua Committee when they spoke orally at the General Political Consultative Conference at the major agricultural counties, industrial counties, economically weak counties and financial poor counties resonated with the NPC and CPPCC members - Vice Chairman of the Democratic Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China , National People’s Congress Gu Sheng resistance specifically for this purpose to write a proposal, and the CPPCC members “echoed ”: Now it is time to pay attention to the development of county economy, changing its status quo. At present, China’s 2861 counties and counties have a land area accounting for 94% of the country’s population, accounting for 71% of the country’s population, accounting for about 50% of the country’s GDP and accounting for 45% of the country’s total. The fixed asset investment accounts for about 40%, total social consumption accounts for about 50% of the country.
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