
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttw961086
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盆景的形象美与意象美是对立统一的两个方面:前者是以盆景外表仪态的美感去满足人们感官上的审美需要;而后者则是通过作品的意蕴内涵去叩击人们的心扉,使人们赏后能获得启迪和教益。两者之间既有所区别又互相依存。换言之:形象美是意象美的载体,而意象美则是形象美的灵魂。这里介绍两件意境颇佳的盆艺作品与读者共赏。请看这件题为《曲与直》的榕树盆景:在蟠曲苍老的枝干上,一条条茁壮刚直的气根坠地而生,犹如一架古老的竖琴,和着蝉弦蛙鼓,奏响一曲古朴情纯的天籁之歌。 The image beauty and the image beauty of the bonsai are two aspects of the unity of opposites: the former is based on the beauty of bonsai appearance to satisfy people’s sensory aesthetic needs; the latter, through the connotation of the works, is to knock people’s hearts and make people After the tour can be enlightened and lessons learned. There are both differences and interdependence between the two. In other words: image beauty is the carrier of image beauty, while image beauty is the soul of image beauty. Here are two good artistic conception Bowen works and readers. Look at the banyan bonsai entitled “Qu and Straight”: On the old branches of the plots, a sturdy and rigid root falls to the ground like an ancient harp with a cicada string frog drum A simple song of pure nature sounds of nature.
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