
来源 :中国卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xixiaoqiqi
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自改革开放以来,我国社区卫生服务经过少数大型城市举办试点阶段、全国大中城市普遍举办试点阶段后,当前已进入全面普及、巩固提高、规范发展的第三阶段。我们认为,社区卫生服务进入第三发展阶段以后,重要的是要处理好“三个关系”和发挥好“五个作用”。第一,处理好政府主导与卫生部门主办的关系,调动各方面的积极性目前,开展社区卫生服务工作较多地存在主体思想认识偏差,社会各方面积极性没有调动起来的问题。有些医疗卫生单位认为开展社区卫生服务是政府的事,等待政府 Since the reform and opening up, China’s community health service has been piloted by a few large-scale cities. After the pilot cities are generally held in large and medium-sized cities throughout the country, the third phase of full-scale popularization, consolidation and standardization is now under way. In our opinion, after the community health service enters the third stage of development, it is important to handle well the “three relations” and play a good “five roles.” First, to properly handle the relationship between the government-led and the health departments and arouse the enthusiasm of all parties At present, there are many problems in the community health service such as the deviation of the main body’s thinking and the lack of enthusiasm of all sectors of society. Some medical and health units think that community health service is a government matter and awaits the government
日本川崎制铁公司以前曾生产过压力成型性良好的固态润滑处理热轧钢板 ,并已用于制造汽车车轮、内板等零部件并受到好评。近年来 ,汽车行业从降低成本出发 ,把以前复杂成型和
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郑州关城区 CDC 负责人说,是非典救了这个部门。上世纪80年代前,CDC 的前身防疫站是国家全额供给,不存在工资问题。不搞创收,防疫医生走村串户,搞监测打防疫针。体系较健全,
Vinton Cerf:以中国为榜样推行IPv6 IPv6得到大规模部署之前需要很长的时间,1993年、1994年就得到大力的发展,我是大力倡导要使用IPv6。 Vinton Cerf: IPv6 as an Example C
从1992年10月~1994年2月我们应用维生素K_1,治疗婴幼儿毛细支气管炎,支气管炎(包括哮喘性支气管炎),支气管肺炎40例,认为止咳平喘效果显著。现总结如下: 1 临床资料 1.1 一般