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目的了解影响海口市城乡居民主要健康问题及危险因素,为制订慢性病防治规划和针对性的健康促进方案提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段整群随机抽样方法,随机抽取17 805户58 291名居民进行了入户问卷调查,调查内容包括家庭人口、居住条件、医疗费用支出、家庭成员医疗保障和慢性病患病史以及成年居民日常生活方式及饮食习惯、自我保健与卫生知识知晓等情况。结果居民总吸烟率为18.3%,40~59岁组男性吸烟率为40.5%;饮酒率为19.7%;居民超重率为17.5%,肥胖率为4.1%,男性40~59岁、女性60岁及以上年龄段超重肥胖率最高。18岁及以上居民主动锻炼率为35.6%,平均每天静坐6 h。过去一年45.5%的居民会经常主动获取保健知识,居民整体基本健康知识知晓率为55.83%。60岁及以上人口占16.4%,老年抚养系数25.91%。居民两周患病率为3.3%,60岁以上居民最高,为7.8%;过去一年住院病人疾病前5位为高血压、肺炎、脑梗塞、糖尿病、支气管炎。住院医疗费用中位数为4 000.0元/人·年,94.5%的居民享有医疗保险。结论高血压、糖尿病、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、脑卒中等慢性病是影响海口市居民的主要健康问题,社会医疗保障覆盖率高。60岁以上居民是慢性病高发人群,是社区卫生服务的主要对象。40岁左右居民慢性病行为危险因素突出,应作为慢性病社区综合干预控制的重点人群。 Objective To understand the main health problems and risk factors affecting urban and rural residents in Haikou city and to provide a scientific basis for the formulation of chronic disease prevention and control programs and targeted health promotion programs. Methods A multistage cluster random sampling method was used to randomly select 17,805 households with 58,291 residents. The questionnaire survey included household population, living conditions, medical expenses, family members’ medical insurance and the history of chronic diseases as well as adults Residents daily lifestyle and eating habits, self-care and hygiene knowledge and so on. Results The total smoking rate among residents was 18.3%. The prevalence of smoking among 40- to 59-year-olds was 40.5%. The drinking rate was 19.7%. The overweight rate was 17.5%, the obesity rate was 4.1%, the male was 40-59 and the female was 60. The overweight and obesity rates of the above age groups are the highest. The residents aged 18 and above took the initiative to exercise at a rate of 35.6%, averaging 6 hours each day. Over the past year, 45.5% of residents often take the initiative to obtain health knowledge, and residents’ overall awareness of basic health knowledge is 55.83%. The population aged 60 and above accounts for 16.4% and the aged dependency coefficient is 25.91%. The prevalence of residents in two weeks was 3.3%, and the residents over the age of 60 were the highest, 7.8%. The top 5 inpatients in the past year were hypertension, pneumonia, cerebral infarction, diabetes and bronchitis. The median hospitalization cost is 4,000 yuan per person per year, and 94.5% of residents have medical insurance. Conclusions Chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and stroke are the main health problems that affect residents in Haikou City. The coverage rate of social medical insurance is high. Residents over the age of 60 are those with a high prevalence of chronic diseases and are the main targets of community health services. The risk factors for chronic diseases among residents over the age of 40 are prominent, and should be the key population controlled by the comprehensive intervention for chronic diseases.
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