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今年2月底,国家发改委21号令在淘汰类目录中删除了一次性发泡塑料餐具,被禁14年之久的发泡餐具从5月1日起合法回归市场。“突然解禁”一时引发众多争议。一次性发泡塑料餐具是否有毒?有毒论之一:一次性发泡塑料餐具是由聚苯乙烯加丁烷发泡剂制成的,发泡塑料餐具受热会产生致癌物。而聚苯乙烯是由苯乙烯这种小分子聚合而成的大分子,无毒。但苯乙烯的单体是有毒的,如果聚合的时候小分子没有完 The end of February this year, the National Development and Reform Commission Order 21 in the elimination of category deleted one-time plastic foam tableware, banned foaming tableware for 14 years from May 1 legally back to the market. “Suddenly lifting of the ban” for a time caused a lot of controversy. Disposable foam plastic tableware is toxic? Poisonous theory: one-time foam plastic tableware is made of polystyrene plus butane foam, foam plastic tableware will produce carcinogenic heat. The polystyrene is a small molecule made of styrene from the polymerization, non-toxic. But styrene monomer is toxic, if the polymerization is not finished when the small molecules
Surface design and engineering is a critical tool to improve the interaction of materials with their surroundings. Immobilization of soft hydrogels is one of th
  Drug response is associated with interindividual and intraindividual variabilities.If intraindividual variability is mainly related to environment and patho
1.1总引此手册包括安装、使用及维修428型3.7~4.2千兆赫调谐器的说明。为便于更换零件时查找,符号数字零件表也包括在内。还有电路图与机构图。 1.2设备的作用调谐器(图1-1)
中国传统的经济思想认为俭善奢恶 ,主张黜奢崇俭 ,节制消费。这种适合于自然经济的节俭观存在很大的局限性。在市场经济条件下 ,评价奢俭、消费合理与否的标准应是个人目标、