Evaluation and Optimization of the Mixed Redundancy Strategy in Cloud-Based Systems

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newlinge
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Mixed redundancy strategies are generally used in cloud-based systems,with different node switch mechanisms from traditional fault-tolerant strategies.Existing studies often concentrate on optimizing a single strategy in cloud computing environment and ignore the impact of mixed redundancy strategies.Therefore,a model is proposed to evaluate and optimize the reliability and performance of cloud-based degraded systems subject to a mixed active and cold standby redundancy strategy.In this strategy,node switching is triggered by a continual monitoring and detection mechanism when active nodes fail.To evaluate the transient availability and the expected job completion rate of systems with such kind of strategy,a continuous-time Markov chain model is built on the state transition process and a numerical method is used to solve the model.To choose the optimal redundancy for the mixed strategy under system constraints,a greedy search algorithm is proposed after sensitivity analysis.Illustrative examples were presented to explain the process of calculating the transient probability of each system state and in turn,the availability and performance of the whole system.It was shown that the near-optimal redundancy solution could be obtained using the optimizationmethod.The comparison with optimization of the traditional mixed redundancy strategy proved that the system behavior was different using different kinds of mixed strategies and less redundancy was assigned for the new type of mixed strategy under the same system constraint. Mixed redundancy strategies are generally used in cloud-based systems, with different node switch mechanisms from traditional fault-tolerant strategies. Experimental studies often concentrate on optimizing a single strategy in cloud computing environment and ignore the impact of mixed redundancy strategies. Beforefore, a model is proposed to evaluate and optimize the reliability and performance of cloud-based degraded systems subject to a mixed active and cold standby redundancy strategy. In this strategy, node switching is triggered by a continual monitoring and detection mechanism when active nodes fail. To evaluate the transient availability and the expected job completion rate of systems with such kind of strategy, a continuous-time Markov chain model is built on the state transition process and a numerical method is used to solve the model. To choose the optimal redundancy for the mixed strategy under system constraints, a greedy search algorithm is proposed after sensitivity analysis. Illlustrati ve examples were presented to explain the process of calculating the transient probability of each system state and in turn, the availability and performance of the whole system. It was shown that the near-optimal redundancy solution could be obtained using the optimization method. the comparison with optimization of the traditional mixed redundancy strategy verifies the system behavior was different using different kinds of mixed strategies and less redundancy was assigned for the new type of mixed strategy under the same system constraint.
在体育运动中,由于剧烈运动和神经处于高度紧张状态以及相互冲撞等原因, 常常导致一些疾病的发生。因此,一个体育锻炼爱好者不仅要提高运动水平,而且应具有对突发性疾病的防范能力。在运动中常见的疾病及防治方法简述如下:   运动性腹痛 一般出现在运动中或运动后,多因腹壁或胃肠痉挛引起。常见的原因主要有:空腹锻炼或饭后不休息进行运动;运动量过大;汗液散失过多,机体极度疲劳而造成腹肌痉挛;准备活动不充
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我再婚到现在已经整整12年了,在这12年的磨合过程中,我深深体会到老年人再婚要能巩固,从思想到感情上必须做到通情达理。  1990年夏,我和退休老干部范义结合,刚结婚时,有时也为一些生活琐事发生分歧,但是从未动摇相互的感情。随着时间的推移,我俩的感情渐深,几乎达到了谁也不愿意离开谁的境地。   我俩再婚后的婚姻能够得到巩固的因素是多方面的,最基本的是:   第一、心心相印。我俩都是丧偶多年的老人,