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使敌人丧胆、中外赫赫有名的红军总司令朱德,我在青年时期就久闻其名。红军长征时,我们被押在北平草岚子监狱,曾时常秘密地在地图上追寻红军长征前进的足迹。那时,朱德的传奇故事很多,我听后更增加了对这位传奇式的英雄统帅的景仰,盼望着什么时候能见到朱总司令! 一见朱总司令 我于1936年秋出狱后,组织上派我去北平南苑国民党二十九军做兵运工作。“七七事变”后北平失守,我即离开二十九军去太原,北方局军委决定派我到八路军总政治部工作。 1937年8月红军改名为八路军,东渡黄河,开赴晋北前线抗日,八路军总部经太原北上。在太原我即到了总政治部,随总部进驻五台县的南北茹村。开始我在宣传部,后调到民运部工作。当时总政治部主任是王稼祥,副主任是邓小平;不久邓小平调一二九师任政治委员,由民运部长傅钟升任总政副主任,宣传部长是陆定一。民运部长由原宣传部副部长黄镇接任。我回到自己的军队工作,很想能有机会见到朱总司令。 据说朱总司令喜欢打篮球。一天下午,听说总司令部和总政治部的篮球队要赛球,我吃过晚饭就和几个同志一起去南茹 Fighting the enemy, Chu Teh, commander-in-chief of the Red Army, both famous in China and abroad, I often heard his name in his youth. During the Long March of the Red Army, we were detained at the grass-lam prison in Peiping and secretly pursued on the map the footsteps of the Long March. At that time, Zhu De a lot of legendary stories, I listened to even more admire the legendary hero commander, looking forward to see when Commander Zhu! After I saw Commander Chu I was released from prison in the fall of 1936, I was sent to go to the 29th Army of the Kuomintang in Nanyuan, Beiping to organize military operations. After the “Seventy-Seven Incident”, Beiping was defeated and I left the Twenty-Nine Army to Taiyuan. The Northern Military Commission decided to send me to work in the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army. In 1937 August the Red Army was renamed the Eighth Route Army, east of the Yellow River, marched to the northern front of the anti-Japanese, Eighth Route Army headquarters north of Taiyuan. In Taiyuan, I arrived at the General Political Department, with the headquarters stationed in Wutai County, North and South Ru village. Beginning I Propaganda Department, transferred to the Ministry of Civil Affairs work. Chief of General Political Department was Wang Jiaxiang at that time, and deputy director was Deng Xiaoping. Shortly afterwards, Deng Xiaoping called 122th Division a political commissar, and Fu Zhongzong, the minister for democracy and democracy, was promoted to deputy director of the General Political Department. Minister of Propaganda was Lu Dingyi. The democratic movement minister was replaced by Huang Zhen, former vice minister of propaganda. I returned to my army and wanted to have a chance to meet with Commander-in-Chief Zhu. It is said that Commander Zhu likes to play basketball. One afternoon, I heard that the General Command and the General Political Department of the basketball team to play the game, I had dinner and several comrades to go to Nam Ru
本研究旨在建立抗草甘膦转基因大豆及其加工产品中外源基因的环介导等温扩增(loop-mediated isothermal amplification,LAMP)检测技术。根据转基因大豆外源CP4-EPSPS基因的6