小额联保 成效明显——甘肃省民乐县农信社小额联保贷款试点情况调查

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民乐县位于祁连山北麓,河西走廊中段,是一个自然条件较差,农村经济比较落后的农业县。1999年末,人行甘肃民乐县支行与县农村信用联社围绕“如何规范管理农户贷款,解决农户贷款担保难”这一专题,深入基层开展调查研究,推出了“农户小额联保贷款”制度。该制度以农户相互担保 Minle County is located in the northern foot of Qilian Mountains, Hexi Corridor in the middle, is a poor natural conditions, the rural economy is relatively backward agricultural county. In late 1999, the Gansu Minle County Sub-branch and the Rural Credit Cooperatives of the county revolved around the topic of “How to Standardize Management of Farmers ’Loans and Solve the Difficulties of Guaranteeing Farmers’ Loans” and carried out in-depth investigations and studies at the grassroots level to launch the “Small-scale Linked Loans for Farmers” system. The system to farmers mutual guarantees
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