Right on Schedule

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摘 要: 随着“互联网+政务”政策的深入推进,自动化行政日益成为行政法学和行政实务中的热点问题。然而我国现有的行政法律体系中尚未对自动化行政的问题进行系统化、体系化的法律规制,容易使行政权力的行使超越法定边界,侵害行政相对人的正当权利,导致个案正义缺失、公民程序性权利的架空、行政主体法律责任缺失等诸多法律风险。为此,我国应当对自动化行政的设立施加正当性控制,提升自动化行政过程中程序正义的保障及自动
Since U.S. President Joe Biden assumed office almost six months ago, his administration has been making efforts to rope U.S. allies into launching a crackdown on China economically, technologically, politically and culturally. Positioning China as a hosti