Physics Design of Criticality Assembly in Experimental Research About Criticality Safety in Spent Fu

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiaojiao82
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In order to meet the experimental demand of criticality safety research in the spent fuel dissolver, we need to design a suitable criticality assembly. The key problem of the design work is the core design because there are many limits for it such as the number of fuel rods loaded, fissile materials existed in the solution, reactivity control, core size and etc. In order to meet the experimental demand of criticality safety research in the spent fuel dissolver, we need to design a suitable criticality assembly. The key problem of the design work is the core design because there are many limits for it such as the number of fuel rods loaded, fissile materials existed in the solution, reactivity control, core size and etc.
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