Higher-Order Corrections to Earth's Ionosphere Shocks

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h482649
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Nonlinear shock wave structures in unmagnetized collisionless viscous plasmas composed fluid of positive(negative) ions and nonthermally electron distribution are examined. For ion shock formation, a reductive perturbation technique applied to derive Burgers equation for lowest-order potential. As the shock amplitude decreasing or enlarging,its steepness and velocity deviate from Burger equation. Burgers type equation with higher order dissipation must be obtained to avoid this deviation. Solution for the compined two equations has been derived using renormalization analysis. Effects of higher-order, positive- negative mass ratio Q, electron nonthermal parameter δ and kinematic viscosities coefficient of positive(negative) ions η1 and η2 on the electrostatic shocks in Earth’s ionosphere are also argued. Nonlinear shock wave structures in unmagnetized collisionless viscous plasmas composed of fluid (positive) ions and nonthermally electron distribution are examined. For ion shock formation, a reductive perturbation technique applied to derive Burgers equation for lowest-order potential. As the shock amplitude decreasing or enlarging, its steepness and velocity deviate from Burger equation. Burgers type equation with higher order dissipation must be obtained to avoid this deviation. Solution for the compined two equations has been derived using renormalization analysis. Effects of higher-order, positive- negative mass ratio Q, electron nonthermal parameter δ and kinematic viscosities coefficient of positive (negative) ions η1 and η2 on the electrostatic shocks in Earth’s ionosphere are also argued.
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