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作为社会治理改革的排头兵,广东省委、省政府早在2012年便印发系列指导文件,推动省内社会治理改革创新,推动社会组织的培育和发展。在上述背景下,广州通过引入“公益创投”模式、简化社会组织登记程序、推进政府购买服务等一系列充满前瞻性的举措,推动社会组织参与社会治理,保障底线民生。 As the vanguard of social reform, Guangdong provincial party committee and government issued a series of guiding documents as early as in 2012 to promote reform and innovation in social governance in the province and promote the cultivation and development of social organizations. Against this background, Guangzhou has introduced a series of forward-looking initiatives such as simplifying the procedures for registration of social organizations and promoting government procurement of services by introducing the model of “public-venture venture capitalism” to promote participation of social organizations in social governance and guarantee the people’s livelihood at the bottom line.
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