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著名老作家程造之,早在三十年代即从事文学创作,发表过许多短篇小说,出版过三部长篇小说《地下》、《沃野》、《烽火天涯》,闻名于文坛;解放后,又出版长篇小说《幸福门》、《黄浦春潮》。抗战期间,曾参加苏北抗日游击队,后被日本宪兵队和国民党两次逮捕入狱。全国解放后,从事编辑工作,1958年调宁夏。文革期间,遭受打击迫害,被长期停止工作,1975年才得以平反落实政策。同年因病退休。党的十一届三中全会以后,老作家焕发青春,创作了大批反映现实生活的短篇小说,1982年不顾年迈多病,故乡崇明岛农场深入生活,又从事新的长篇小说的创作,直到生命的最后。程造之同志是一位有声望的老作家,他热爱党、热爱社会主义事业,一辈子勤勤恳恳,兢兢业业,满腔热忱地工作,把毕生的精力都献给了祖国的文学事业。他早期的长篇小说《地下》,被载入我国新文学史册,在纪念抗日战争胜利四十周年之际,又再版了这部作品。程造之同志的逝世,使我们失去了一位好作家、好战士,我们感到无比的哀痛!特編发一组悼念文章,以寄托我们的哀思! Renowned old writer Cheng Zaozhi, as early as the thirties engaged in literary creation, published many short stories, published three novels “underground”, “fertile land”, “flames of the world”, is famous in the literary world; after liberation, and Published novel “Happy Gate”, “Huangpu Chunchao.” During the war of resistance against Japan, he participated in the anti-Japanese guerrillas in northern Jiangsu and was later arrested and jailed by the Japanese military police and the Kuomintang. After the liberation of the country, he engaged in editorial work and transferred Ningxia in 1958. During the Cultural Revolution, it was persecuted and persecuted, and its work was stopped for a long time. Only in 1975 did the policy of vindication be implemented. The same year retired due to illness. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the old writers rejuvenated and created a large number of short stories that reflect the real life. In 1982, regardless of their age-old and illnesses, their hometown Chongming Island farm went deep into life and engaged in the creation of new novels until their life The last. Cheng Chengzhi is a reputable old writer. He loves the party, loves the cause of socialism, works diligently and conscientiously, dedicates himself with zeal and dedication, dedicated his lifelong energies to the literary career of the motherland. His early novels, “Underground,” were loaded into the history of Chinese new literature. This work was reprinted on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Cheng’s comrades died, so that we have lost a good writer, a good fighter, we feel extremely sorrow! Special issue of a tribute to the article, in order to pin our grief!
我重视艺术创作活动中内在精神的感悟和审美激情的生发,在作品中努力强化艺术手段的表现力,企图通过设色、造型以及运笔之中尽力表现出生命的活力与律动,希望 I attach gre