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摩鼻:鼻部保健按摩可以增强鼻腔的生理功能,对防止鼻黏膜组织老化有一定的作用。操作如下:(1)取坐位或仰卧位,以两手中指自鼻部的两侧向上沿鼻梁至眉间印堂穴,反复推动数次。(2)先以拇、食指分置鼻翼两侧迎香穴,指掐数次,继以指揉法数次。(3)以两手食指对置鼻翼两侧,自眼内角处起,自上向下由鼻翼指搓至迎香穴,反复搓动数次。 Mount nose: nasal massage can enhance the physiological function of the nasal cavity to prevent the aging of nasal mucosa have a role. Operation is as follows: (1) take the seat or supine position, with both hands from the nose on both sides of the nose upward along the bridge to the eyebrows Yintang, repeatedly pushed several times. (2) first to the thumb, index finger separation Yingxiang points on both sides of the nose, refers to the pinch several times, followed by means of rubbing the law several times. (3) with both hands index finger on both sides of the nose, starting from the corner of the eye, from top to bottom by the nose finger to rub Ying Ying, repeatedly rubbing move several times.
本刊今年将连载陈式太极拳精要十八式,希望对广大太极拳友们有所帮助! This article will be serialized this year, Chen style Taijiquan eighteen, I hope the majority
论述了党内监督的重要意义、影响党内监督的主要因素及强化党内监督的措施与对策. Discusses the important meaning of the supervision in the party, the main factors t