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习近平总书记关于做好群众工作的一系列重要论述,对我们党坚持党的群众路线,保持党与人民群众的血肉联系,团结带领全国人民实现中华民族伟大复兴具有重要的启迪意义和指导意义。一切为了群众是党的群众路线的本质要求。习近平总书记强调“坚持党的群众路线,坚持人民主体地位,时刻把群众安危冷暖放在心上,及时准确了解群众所思、所盼、所忧、所急,把群众工作做实、做深、做细、做透”。这一要求对我们做好新时期的群 General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important expositions on doing a good job in the mass work have important enlightenment and guiding significance for our party in upholding the party’s mass line, maintaining the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people, and uniting and leading the people across the country to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. All for the sake of the masses are the essential requirements of the party’s mass line. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “We must uphold the party’s mass line and adhere to the subjective position of the people. We should keep the masses safe and sound at all times in a timely manner and understand in time and accurately what the masses think, look forward to, worry about and urgently do, , Do fine, thoroughly ”. This requirement does a good job for us in the new era
In this paper,the model predictive control based on the state estimation for a constrained system isinvestigated.By modifying the constraints for the predictiv
The servo system actuated by oscillating pneumatic cylinder for X-Y plate is a multi-variable nonlinearcontrol system.Its mathematical model is established,and
目的观察奥沙利铂联合卡培他滨治疗晚期结肠癌的临床疗效及安全性。方法将40例晚期结肠癌患者随机分为对照组20例和试验组20例。对照组予以静脉滴注130 mg·m-2奥沙利铂,第1
今年初以来,市建委按照中央、省委和市委的工作部署,在市委的领导和市委督导组的指导下,紧密结合建设行业的特点,找准工作结合点, 选好工作切入点,注重在求实上下功夫,在落实