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早在互联网发展之初,Intel就提出了网页打开时间不能超过8秒的概念。如今,基调通过长期监测和分析,“总结出了一个新的概念和标准:通常,一个网站的首屏时间在5秒以内,最为优秀。10秒以内可以接受。超过10秒用户就很难容忍,会选择立刻离开或直接跳到竞争对手的网站。”北京基调网络系统有限公司副总裁蒲炜介绍说。 As early as the beginning of the Internet development, Intel proposed the concept of the webpage opening time can not exceed 8 seconds. Today, the tone is monitored and analyzed through long-term monitoring, “summed up a new concept and standard: Typically, the first screen time of a web site is within 5 seconds of the best, acceptable within 10 seconds, and it is hard for users to exceed 10 seconds Tolerance, will choose to immediately leave or jump directly to the competitor’s site. ”" Beijing tone network system Co., Ltd. Vice President Pu Wei said.
一、学习动机 动机是一个非常宽泛的话题。动机心理学家们试图回答下面的问题:“人(或者动物)为什么会行其所行,为什么他们不会表现出不一样的行为?”我们首先要声明,我们的
目的 WHO生活质量量表澳洲中文版现场测试。方法 将WHO生活质量量表翻译为汉语并且发展了反映中国文化特征的新因素和新条目,然后在澳大利亚的华人社区中进行了现场测试。结
This paper uses a correlation dimension based nonlinear analysis approach to analyse the dynamics of network traffics with three different application protocols
The missile-tracked priority assessment for the early warning system monitoring multi-missile very well, is the first task to defend them and useful to perform
近期,一类名为“强制视频”的软件在网上被传得神乎其神。该软件宣称,“只要知道对方IP,就可以在别人不知晓的情况下,强制打开别人视频”。然而据360安全中心分析,该软件非但没有“强制视频”功能,运行后反而会使自己的电脑被木马控制。为此,专家提醒网友切勿轻信此类木马软件,使用360安全卫士及360杀毒都可以将其拦截查杀。  目前,网上搜索“强制视频软件”的结果高达167万个,其中不少下载链接都指向了木
Behavior requirement expression and its satisfiability verification for composite Web services is one of the ongoing issues in service computing.In this paper,t