跨界 普及 提升——第八届全国建材行业书画展侧记

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2017年11月22日,丁酉年,时令小雪。已经进入冬季的北京散去了寒风阴霾,以高洁明亮的暖阳和蓝天迎接着一个书画艺术盛会的到来。第八届全国建材行业书画展如期而至,上午十点不到,民族文化宫大厅已经接踵摩肩热闹非凡,伴随着悠扬开阔的背景音乐,文人雅士齐聚在铺满红毯的大厅互相问候。是的,开始了,老朋友们又相见了。相聚!“大咖”云集纷纷点赞盛会会长喜从中来再定“高标” November 22, 2017, Dingyunian, seasonal snow. Beijing, which has entered the winter, has dispersed the haze of the cold wind, welcoming the arrival of a calligraphy and painting art event with the noble, bright warm sun and the blue sky. The Eighth National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of Building Materials Industry came to an end at 10 o’clock in the morning. The hall of National Palace of Culture has been crowded with thrills. Accompanied by the melodious and open background music, the literati gathered in the red carpet hall to greet each other. Yes, it started, old friends met again. Gather together! “Big coffee ” have gathered like the congratulation president come from “high standard ”
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