
来源 :中华卫生杀虫药械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangjingyu1
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目的了解吉林省公主岭市白蚁种类及危害。方法对吉林省公主岭市东三街民安委房屋白蚁危害现场进行了实地调查。结果危害白蚁种类为栖北散白蚁。民安委白蚁发生率按户数为0.7%。房屋的地板、木窗台、门框、壁板等受到白蚁危害,木屋架未受白蚁危害,主要危害房屋下部木结构。群体组成有翅成虫、工蚁、兵蚁和若蚁占总数的比例分别为0.08%、66.59%、0.57%和32.76%。白蚁危害至少已10年以上,已连续7~8年出现有翅成虫分飞,分飞时间从每年的5月起,分数次分飞。结论栖北散白蚁为公主岭市自然分布的种类,只是由于分布极为稀疏,因此较难发现和采集,且扩散和危害的速率均十分缓慢。气候变暖和城市化成为公主岭市房屋白蚁危害发展的重要成因。在日均温为更低的区域(≥5.93℃),栖北散白蚁依然可以分布。我国白蚁危害的北界正在向北移动。 Objective To understand the types and hazards of termites in Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province. Methods Field investigation was conducted on the damage of termites on houses in Civil Affairs Bureau of Dongsan Street, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province. Results endanger termites termite habitat termites termites. Civilian police termite incidence of 0.7% per household. House floor, wooden windowsill, door frames, siding and other termite hazards, wooden truss shelter from termite damage, the main hazard to the lower part of the house wooden structure. The percentage of winged adults, worker ants, soldier ants and ants in the population was 0.08%, 66.59%, 0.57% and 32.76% respectively. Termite damage has been at least 10 years or more, has been for 7 to 8 years a winged adult fly, sub-fly time from May of each year, the points sub-fly. Conclusion The habitat of the habitat is a kind of natural distribution in Gongzhuling City. It is more difficult to find and collect because of the extremely sparse distribution, and the rates of diffusion and harm are very slow. Climate warming and urbanization have become important causes of the development of termites in houses in Gongzhuling City. In the lower daily average temperature (≥5.93 ℃), habitat northern termites can still be distributed. The northern boundary of the termites in our country is moving northward.
目的:阐明青黛传统炮制加工过程中浸泡的原理。方法:采用高效液相色谱法对马蓝茎叶浸泡过程中吲哚苷释放过程进行研究。吲哚苷检测波长为280 nm,流动相为甲醇-水(15∶85)。结
以花魔芋顶芽生长点为外植体,经消毒处理,接种在MS+ 6BA 1 mg·L-1 + NAA 1 mg·L-1培养基上,约10 d左右的诱导培养,材料边诱导愈伤组织边分化幼苗、生根,约28 d在同
<正> 新生儿败血症是细菌进入新生儿血液循环系统而导致机体发生菌血症或脓毒血症的全身感染性疾病,是围产期发病率较高的疾病之一。我院1990年7月至1992年7月收治新生儿败血