Use of endoscopic naso-pancreatic drainage in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leeyongfan
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AIM:To review the experience on the use of endoscopicnasopancreatic drainage (ENPD) in the treatment of severeacute pancreatitis (SAP).METHODS:Since March 1998,under the regularmanagement of SAP with non-operative method,ENPD hasbeen randomly used in 14 patients.The average age of thepatients was 41.3±15.9 (years),with 8 males and 6 females.The time from onset to admission was 32.9±22.8 (hours).8cases were found to have gallbladder stone.The daily outputof pancreatic fluid was measured.The body temperature,heart rate,WBC count,blood glucose,blood calcium,PaO_2,blood and urine levels of amylase were detected on the fifthday and compared with their respective data on the first day.Therapeutic results and hospitalization times were recorded.RESULTS:The time of drainage was 7.3±4.0 days.The dailydrainage outputs of the first five days were 236.4±176.6,287.1±164.7,284.6±216.4,435.0±357.8 and 377.8±223.8 ml,respectively.The decreases in body temperature,heart rate,WBC counts,blood and urine levels of amylase and theincrease in PaO_2 were significant on the fifth day whencompared with those on the first day.Infection of pancreaticnecrosis was found in one patient and controlled by anti-infectives.6 out of 8 patients with gallbladder stone wereoperated during hospital stay.All patients were cured anddiischarged and the average hospital stay was 28.1±11.6 days.CONCLUSION:ENPD is an effective method for thedrainage of pancreatic fluid and might have an importantrole in the treatment of SAP.Further observation,comparisonand summary by this method are worthy to be considered. AIM: To review the experience on the use of endoscopic nasopancreatic drainage (ENPD) in the treatment of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP). METHODS: Since March 1998, under the regular management of SAP with non-operative method, ENPD has been randomly selected in 14 patients. The average age of the patients was 41.3 ± 15.9 (years) with 8 males and 6 females. The time from onset to admission was 32.9 ± 22.8 (hours) .8 cases were found to have gallbladder stone. The daily output of pancreatic fluid was measured. The body temperature, heart rate, WBC count, blood glucose, blood calcium, PaO_2, blood and urine levels of amylase were detected on the fifthday and compared with their respective data on the first day. Therapeutic results and hospitalization times were recorded .RESULTS: The time of drainage was 7.3 ± 4.0 days. The dailydrainage outputs the first five days were 236.4 ± 176.6, 287.1 ± 164.7, 284.6 ± 216.4, 435.0 ± 357.8 and 377.8 ± 223.8 ml, respectively. The decrease in body temperature, heart rate , WBC counts, blood an d urine levels of amylase and theincrease in PaO_2 were significant on the fifth day whencompared with those on the first day. Infection of pancreaticnecrosis was found in one patient and controlled by anti-infectives.6 out of 8 patients with gallbladder stone wereoperated during hospital stay . All patients were cured and discharged and the average hospital stay was 28.1 ± 11.6 days. CONCLUSION: ENPD is an effective method for the drainage of pancreatic fluid and might have an importantrole in the treatment of SAP. Future observations, comparison and summary by this method are worthy to be considered.
目的 研究日本血吸虫中国大陆株 2 3k Da膜蛋白 (Sj C2 3) DNA疫苗诱导 BAL B/ c小鼠免疫保护作用以及 IL- 12的免疫增强效果。方法  5 6只 BAL B/ c雌性小鼠随机分为 A、B
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例1 患者男性,44岁,以"行走不稳9年余,加重并行走不能、言语不能9个月"于2003年8月入我院.家属代述:1994年无诱因出现行走不稳,初为行走时易摔倒,后渐加重,多家医院治疗无效.2000年出现性格改变,言谈举止怪异,上述症状进行性加重.2002年3月开始需搀扶方可行走,同年5月出现言语不利并胡言乱语、二便失禁.2003年6月起完全不能行走,呛咳明显,8月完全不能言语,住院后明确有家族史.入